Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Artemisinin Experiment

After reading much about this and getting recent reports on promising studies from the University of Washington researchers I decided to try taking this.

The current bedtime regimen is as follows :

Artemisinin ( from Nutricology) 100mg
Ferrous Sulfate (65mg)
Flax Oil capsule
Probiotic ( intestinal good bacteria like acidophilus)

I take no antioxidants at the same time or within an hour of bedtime since antioxidants may neutralize the Artemisinin. The Ferrous Sulfate (Iron) helps load the cancer cells with the iron that Artemisinin seeks and when it finds cells which are hoarding it, it oxidizes those cells. Cancer cells and malaria cells do that and are targeted by Artemisinin.

I have ordered a better Artemisinin (Artemix) and should be getting that soon. I have also ordered sodium butyrate supplements which the researchers found is a completely harmless gut protective substance that acts synergistically with Artemisinin.

In the morning when I get up, I immediately take some Vitamin C - 1000mg and that is continued throughout the day. I also will start taking *more* of the Cell Forte with IP6 as I understand it, that supplement actually binds to iron and keeps cancer cells from getting it and in that way it hampers their ability to multiply as quickly.

This week the dimple or skin retraction is barely visible so it continues to disappear slowly.
Hooray! I hope that is the good sign I think it is...

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