Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What every woman should know about breast cancer

Here are some quotes from an article on NewsTarget - an interview with Dr Christine Homer about her book on breast cancer:

Not surprisingly, the American diet and lifestyle is a recipe for breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and heart disease. We know that because it's so prevalent. When the typical American is interviewed, what do they normally eat? They normally eat fast food. If you look at the burger, the white bun, the French fries, the milkshake, and pop, each one of those things is something that contributes to the initiation and progression of breast cancer. Women who eat red meat, particularly grilled and well-done, have a 400 percent increased risk of breast cancer.

Then we consume trans fats -- those horrible hydrogenated fats they cook things like french fries in. Studies found that's again something that will speed up the cell division that happens in the breast tissue in particular and causes inflammation. We know that inflammation is something that plays an essential role in all sorts of chronic disorders and definitely speeds up the growth of breast cancer.

Sugar and refined carbohydrates are the preferred food for cancer. The more sugar you eat, the faster it grows, plus it's pro-inflammatory and knocks out your immune system right after you eat it. It also causes our insulin levels to go up and, again, insulin acts as a growth factor for cancer.

What they've found is only about 5 percent of breast cancers are genetic. The rest of them are brought about by diet and lifestyle, which is good news because that means we can have tremendous impact on whether we get this disease or not. Women can do many things to influence the risk of getting the disease.

If you go through medical literature like I have and read literally hundreds of studies, you'd find the vast majority of the studies show that people who take antioxidants actually get an enhanced effect from the chemotherapy while receiving protection against the organ damage. Our understanding of how chemotherapy works is too primitive.


Why don't you hear this from you doctor? Because they are really too busy to do research and it is also human habit to do things the way you're used to doing them... habits die hard and doctors are suspicious of new and unproven treatments because they are so afraid of being sued. So it is the sue-happy society that is creating doctors who are afraid to think outside the box and in fact they are *forced* to go along with the AMA doctrine or risk losing their license to practice medicine.

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