Thursday, December 21, 2006

What exactly is 714X?

Just when I thought I had found all the alternative cancer treatments, I stumble on information about 714X and it is interesting indeed.

Please see the following links for more information

I also picked up one of Kevin Trudeau's books - "The Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About" Despite the flagrant criticism of Kevin Trudeau by the mainstream medical people I think his message and information is quite valid. It syncs with others in the alternative health field and contains much common sense relating to health.. common sense that has been lost on most of us today in this pill-popping, junk food eating world we live in.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Breast Cancer Stem Cells Seem to Survive Radiation Therapy

Oh my God can I say "I told you so?" Can I? Please?

TUESDAY, Dec. 19 (HealthDay News) -- Breast cancer stem cells, a type of cell that scientists have recently discovered is difficult to kill, may be especially resistant to radiation therapy, a new study suggests.

In fact, the radiation can even increase the growth of these stubborn stem cells, report researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine.

"This population of stem cells is more radiation-resistant than are non-stem cells," said Dr. Frank Pajonk, an assistant adjunct professor of radiation oncology at UCLA and corresponding author on the study. "We are the first to report this."

Yet I read this VERY thing in several books - most notably the World Without Cancer book by G Edward Griffin.. so they are NOT the first to report this. Bah humbug.. They are the first CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE place to report this.. I'll give them that.. I think also Dr Lorraine Day said this kind of thing. This is why after radiation they think it was successful when the tumor *shrinks* but what has been eliminated may only be the normal cells and the cancer cells live on in the smaller now exposed mass. The tumor capsule that is killed by radiation is actually protecting the body from the cancer! And then they go and remove that protection. Then, of course months later, the person comes back with an even worse case of cancer and a few OTHER side effects from the radiation.

When Pajonk's team exposed the cells to a higher dose of 3 Gray, every day for five days, then stopped the treatment before what would be considered a full round, the proportion of stem cells actually increased.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Breast cancer drop tied to hormones

Good news IF you were someone who stopped taking or never took hormones for menopause.
Seems they did not really test the use of hormones that well to me. .but to be fair, it is hard to test such a long term effect of hormones too. I just feel many of us are doing the testing on these drugs and therapies and I think most people are unaware of how much is unknown about the drugs they take.

Follow the title link for the full story.

SAN ANTONIO - The millions of women who quit taking menopause hormones after a big federal study found that the pills raised the risk of breast cancer now have more reason to be glad they stopped.

A new analysis reveals that U.S. breast cancer rates plunged more than 7 percent in 2003 and strongly suggests that the reason is less hormone use.

"It's a big deal ... amazing, really," said one of the researchers, Dr. Rowan Chlebowski of Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. "It's better than a cure" because these are cases that never occurred, he said.

About 14,000 fewer women were diagnosed with the disease than had been expected, researchers reported Thursday at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.

Cancers take years to form, so going off hormones would not instantly prevent new tumors. But tumors that had been developing might stop growing, shrink or disappear, so they were no longer detected by mammograms, doctors theorized.

Cases dropped most among women 50 and older — the age group taking hormones. The decline was biggest for tumors whose growth is fueled by estrogen — the type most affected by hormone use.

In fact, when both factors were combined — older women with estrogen-positive tumors — the drop was 12 percent.

The decline was seen in every single cancer registry that reports information to the federal government, and no big change occurred with any other major type of cancer. These are strong signs that the breast cancer decline is no statistical fluke or error.

follow link for the rest of the article....

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dow Chemical tried to silence report that Bisphenol A plastic is harmful

Read full story at this link

This is shameful of DOW and shows that corporate greed prevails over concern for public safety hands down every time.

I think the most upsetting part is that this plastic has been used in the spill-proof toddler's cups for HOW LONG and they knew it could be harmful??? How about all the plastic food trays that Americans heat up in microwave ovens every single day??

I abandoned as much plastic as I could in my kitchen and switched to glass. If I buy frozen food I remove it from the plastic dish and put it into a glass dish and cook in the convection oven. I store nothing, cook nothing in plastic. However, I still use plastic water bottles so I probably need to find alternatives for those as well. I no longer use my microwave oven and I think the combination of microwaving and this deadly plastic are a HUGE factor in the drastic INCREASE in prostate and breast cancers in the industrialized world.

But guess where I found I may be exposing myself to this chemical without realizing it? My BRITA water jug. DOH! It is a very hard clear plastic jub but there is no recycle symbol. I did a search and found that it does indeed contain this chemical. Guess I'll be throwing THAT out now.


University of Missouri, Colombia biological sciences professor Fred vom Saal is determined to show that plastics corporations are just as dangerous as tobacco companies, and reports that one major chemical company tried to persuade him to hold off on publishing his research to that effect.

The primary focus of vom Saal's research is bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical that is found in polycarbonate plastics, which are used in steel food can linings, Lexan items, Nalgene bottles, baby bottles, spill-proof toddler's cups, plastic wrap, microwave-safe plastic dishware, and food containers. He says the chemical mimics powerful sex hormones and even small doses can cause brain damage, abnormal organ development, and hyperactivity. Vom Saal noted that many -- but not all -- products that have a 7 inside the recycling triangle symbol contain BPA, which he said is one of the biggest chemicals in production worldwide, with more than 6 billion pounds created and used annually.

Here is some more info on the harmful effects of BPA:

Suspicion Lingers Over BPA and Breast Cancer
Bisphenol A, a common industrial chemical claimed to speed the growth of human breast and ovarian cancers, retains its carcinogenic properties even after being modified by body processes, report Indiana University and University of California at Berkeley scientists in the Aug. 28th issue of Chemistry & Biology, a Cell Press journal.

"If our hypothesis is true about BPA, it's probably going to be the sum of effects of a lot of cancer-causing compounds that is responsible for the disease," Widlanski said. "We would not anticipate that BPA or any other single chemical is the only culprit here."

Plastics chemical BPA may Promote Breast Cancer

New research appearing in the journal Chemistry & Biology has shown that a chemical found in harder plastics -- such as those used to make water cooler jugs and CD cases -- may promote breast cancer.

Researchers from Indiana University studied how bisphenol-A (BPA) may be more easily absorbed by breast tumor cells than healthy cells. Experts have long assumed that since healthy cells do not readily absorb bisphenol sulfate -- one of the body's metabolized forms of BPA -- BPA is a harmless chemical. However, the Indiana researchers found that breast tumor cells, which vastly differ from normal, healthy cells, convert bisphenol sulfate back into BPA, which can be easily taken up into tumor cells.

Adams warns consumers to avoid heating food in plastic containers and to use glass, Pyrex or other non-plastic food containers whenever possible. He also urges consumers to read The Hundred-Year Lie to get the full story about the dangers of chemicals in foods, beverages, drugs and common kitchen items like storage containers.

Chemical used in food containers disrupts brain development

The chemical bisphenol A (BPA), widely used in products such as food cans, milk container linings, water pipes and even dental sealants, has now been found to disrupt important effects of estrogen in the developing brain.

A University of Cincinnati (UC) research team, headed by Scott Belcher, PhD, reports in two articles in the December 2005 edition of the journal Endocrinology that BPA shows negative effects in brain tissue "at surprisingly low doses."

Long known to act as an artificial estrogen, the primary hormone involved in female sexual development, BPA has already been shown to increase breast cancer cell growth, and in the January 2005 edition of the journal Cancer Research, another UC research team reported that it increased the growth of some prostate cancer cells as well. Warnings about other possible long-term health risks associated with fetal exposures to BPA have also been discussed in recent scientific literature.


I found this great link on dangerous and safer plastics.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Widespread vitamin D deficiency may be cause of post-Winter flu outbreaks, scientists suggest

From this link at

by Ben Kage

(NewsTarget) A team of researchers is gathering data in an attempt to determine why flu outbreaks hit the Northern Hemisphere during winter months and tend to peak between December and March, and a new theory suggests it may be a lack of sunshine-produced vitamin D.

In the past, many theories have been put forward to explain the seasonal flu flux, but explanations such as cold air and the tendency of people to group together "remain astonishingly superficial and full of inconsistencies," said Dr. Scott Dowell, director of the Global Disease Protection Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

Theories about a chill causing the disease's prevalence is upended by evidence from tropical locations, where flu remains common and follows a similar seasonal pattern to its cold-climate counterpart. The grouping theory is debunked by the fact that certain groups of people are stuck in small spaces together year round, with no greater likelihood of contracting flu than anyone else.

>Now, the Harvard-University-led team is investigating whether inadequate sun exposure during the winter may open people up to infection, since exposure to ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) radiation from the sun causes vitamin D production in the skin. If the lack of vitamin D and increased flu cases in the winter are connected, it could have a significant impact on public health, as an average of 36,000 people die from flu in the United States every winter, primarily the elderly or the very young.

R. Edgar Hope-Simpson published the first paper that identified a link between flu epidemics and the winter solstice -- usually indentified as the start of winter and the shortest day of the year -- in 1981, despite having no formal training in the field of epidemiology. Simpson noted that flu infections spiked just before and after the winter solstice, and theorized that solar radiation might cause a sort of "seasonal stimulus" in the virus, the host or both, although he could not identify the stimulus.

Simpson's work was largely ignored, according to Dr. John Cannell, a psychiatrist at the Atascadero State Hospital in California. However, Cannel and his Harvard colleagues suggest the stimulus to which Simpson referred may be vitamin D. Cannell began investigating the possibility when a flu outbreak hit Atascadero in April of 2005 and all the wards surrounding his were infected, Cannell's patients were not. All of his patients, he said, were taking high daily doses of vitamin D.

During the winter, people are outdoors less often and the skin has less opportunity to produce vitamin D, and the atmosphere during that season is adept at blocking UVB radiation. This is why some health experts warn that Americans may not be getting sufficient vitamin D, especially with the resurgence of the vitamin-deficiency-related bone disorder known as rickets.

In the report -- published in the December issue of Epidemiology and Infection -- the researchers posit that the vitamin D stimulated by sunlight may, in turn, cause the body to produce the infection-fighting peptide cathelcidin. No studies been conducted that to show whether cathelcidin effects influenza, but previous studies in the March issue of Science have shown it attacks a range of fungi, viruses and bacteria, including the bacteria that causes tuberculosis.

The tropical evidence that upsets the chill theory does not preclude the vitamin D theory, as Cannell and colleagues point out, as studies show that vitamin D deficiencies have even been recorded in equatorial locations. Additionally, a 2003 analysis of flu cases found they were greatest during the rainy season, when there is a significant cloud cover and reduced sun exposure.

Despite the evidence offered by Cannell and colleagues, some members of the scientific community remain skeptical about the theory.

"They have manipulated the literature -- some of it very bad literature -- to prove their points," said Dr. James Cherry, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine. However, he added, "The hypothesis should be easy to prove or disprove with a controlled, blinded study."

Cannell, for his part, said he takes more than twice the recommended daily dose of vitamin D during winter months and reports he rarely gets sick.

Ultrasound Technique Helps Avoid Biopsies

From this link:

CHICAGO - An experimental ultrasound technique that measures how easily breast lumps compress and bounce back could enable doctors to determine instantly whether a woman has cancer or not without doing a biopsy.

In a small study of 80 women, the technique — called "elastography" — distinguished harmless lumps from malignant ones with nearly 100 percent accuracy.

If the results hold up in a larger study, elastography could save thousands of women from the waiting, cost, discomfort and anxiety of a biopsy, in which cells are removed from the breast — sometimes with a needle, sometimes with a scalpel — and examined under a microscope.

"There's a lot of anxiety, a lot of stress, a lot of fear involved" with biopsies, said Susan Brown, manager of health education for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. "And there's the cost of leaving work to make a second appointment. If this can be done instead of a biopsy, there would be a real cost reduction."

Up to 1 million biopsies are performed each year on suspicious breast tissue detected by mammograms and self-exams, but as many as eight out of 10 of these biopsies find that the lumps are benign.

Biopsies can cost $200 to $1,000, depending on whether some fluid or an entire lump is removed, and it can take days or weeks to get the results. The cost of elastography is not yet clear, but some experts said the procedure might run $100 to $200. And it can yield results in minutes.

When checked against biopsies of women's breast tissue, the ultrasound technique correctly identified 17 out of 17 cancerous tumors, and 105 out of 106 harmless lesions. The findings were reported at a national radiology meeting in Chicago this week.

Scientists said the approach may also be used someday to rapidly diagnose damaged hearts and guide the treatment of prostate cancer.

The technique was pioneered during the 1990s at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston by Jonathan Ophir and his colleagues.

Ophir describes elastography as a way to measure and picture the elasticity of body tissue. In effect, it is an extension of one of the oldest tools in medicine, palpation, in which a doctor feels the shape and firmness of body tissue.

To explain elastography, Ophir likens the body to a box-spring mattress, but "a crazy mattress made out of millions of small springs and each one is a little different. Each is moving around at a different rate, depending on their individual stiffness." Cancerous tumors are like stiff springs. Normal tissue and benign lesions compress more easily.

Both traditional ultrasound and elastography use echoes from high-frequency sound waves to create pictures of what is going on inside the body, but elastography goes a step further.

In traditional ultrasound, a doctor or technician places a handheld device on the skin that sends high-frequency sound waves into the body. Organs and tissue reflect the sound back as echoes, which are sent to a computer that turns them into a picture. Many people have seen ultrasound images of fetuses in the womb.

Elastography, though, also gauges movement. As the doctor moves the handheld device against the breast, the device collects echoes before and after the compression or movement of the breast tissue. The resulting images show stiff tissues as dark areas and soft tissues as light areas.

Breast cancer shows up larger on an elastogram than it does on a traditional ultrasound image, perhaps because the elastogram can "see" the scar tissue around the cancer, Ophir said.

"It's like finding a marble in Jell-O," said Dr. Richard Barr, a professor of radiology at Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine who reported his findings at the Radiological Society of North America annual meeting. Germany-based Siemens AG provided the ultrasound equipment and software for Barr's study.

Ophir and other researchers said breast cancer diagnosis will be elastography's first real-world application.

"If it doesn't fly there, it won't fly anywhere," said Elisa Konofagou of Columbia University, who is testing elastography on animals and humans to determine the extent of damage after a heart attack. Uses in prostate cancer and thyroid cancer also are under study elsewhere.

Dr. Constantine Godellas, a cancer surgeon at Rush University Medical Center, said some patients and doctors would have trouble giving up biopsies, even if further research confirmed elastography's accuracy. Doctors may fear lawsuits if they do not order biopsies, he said.

"With the medical legal climate the way it is, that's a tough call to make," Godellas said. "It won't be until a lot more research has been done that people will really buy into it."

Dr. Ellen Mendelson, chief of breast imaging at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, predicted the technique will be used, but may not supplant biopsies, which are becoming less invasive.

"The goal of reducing unnecessary biopsies is laudable, but you don't want to miss a cancer," Mendelson said.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Quackwatch warning - Health Freedom under attack!

This site really spells out the battle going on behind the scenes that many of you may not be aware of. In the waning days of conventional medicine's strangle-hold on the American people, they are resorting to the most devious tactics to silence the people who have found their way to natural health and healing and reject toxic "allopathic" medicine and have been exposing it for the scam that it is.

Please take the time to read the information at this site so you too can be informed and you can start to resist the propaganda war that is being put forth by the conventional medicine groups that wish to keep you hooked on drugs from your doctor and wish to keep you dependent on expensive surgeries and toxic cancer treatments as if they are the only alternative.

Hospitals and surgeons have a place in the medical field but only for critical care for accidents or severe organ failure. 90% of chronic diseases can be prevented and cured through eating whole food, avoiding trans fat, artificial chemicals, processed food and excessive sweets. Doctors do not have the answers for chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, auto-immune diseases etc. They have not been trained in nutrition or prevention. They have only been trained in propping us up with drugs and covering or reducing the symptoms, which many times result in a worsening of health overall.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Breast Cancer Diagnosis Brings Serious Distress

Well hey, I've got an idea for all you breast surgeons and oncologists.. how about you not freaking use SCARE TACTICS to get women to feed into your money making cancer scam which you call treatments?

Read the full article here...

I love how they act so surprised about the effect of their SCARE TACTICS. Well from my experience alone, I can tell you, the way they handled delivering my "diagnosis" was befitting of an academy award. They expected me to cry - but I did not. I got the distinct feeling my situation was urgent and I should schedule surgery right away.

Well here I am now 4 months later, no surgery, no chemo, no radiation. So I am here to tell you in MOST cases, not all, the situation is NOT urgent. In the case of Inflammatory Breast Cancer however, it can be and you should get right on top of it. You can tell if you have that type if you have nipple inversion or pain and redness which indicates inflammation. Any kind of inflammation should be dealt with quickly.

If you are the majority who has the "ductal" type of cancer, it is a slow growing type and has only a 30% chance of becoming invasive. So you have time. But you wouldn't get that from your doctor. No.. They want to rush you right in like you are having a heart attack.

I defintely think July was a difficult month for me because of that diagnosis. I have had the lump since November, 2005. But once I got the "diagnosis" from getting the MRI, suddenly I had to contend with feelings of fear over what to do about it, which were exacerbated by the urgency I got from ALL of my doctors. My internist recommended a full mastectomy as the best course of action.. He is no longer my doctor by the way.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

More evidence of the undue influence of Big Pharma


Drug Company Pulls Funding After Conference Criticism

Adriane Fugh-Berman, an Associate Professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine, recounts her experience of speaking at a recent medical conference in New Mexico on the topic of drug industry influence in medical education. "Immediately after my talk, one pharmaceutical company representative announced to a conference organiser that her company would no longer support the annual conference. Another packed up his exhibit and walked out," she writes in the British Medical Journal. "The drug industry is happy to play the generous and genial uncle until physicians want to discuss subjects that are off limits, such as the benefits of diet or exercise, or the relationship between medicine and pharmaceutical companies." Instead of depending on drug companies funding of professional training, she argues it would be better if doctors "could actually pay for our continuing education, as do lawyers, accountants, business people, and aerobics teachers, to mention a few."

Degrees of Dependency: Drug Companies & Patient Groups

In a survey of 29 U.S. patient groups, New Scientist found only two ruled out drug company funding. Seven of the patient groups surveyed received less than 5% of their income from drug companies, while others were reliant on them for over one-third of their budget. The Colorectal Cancer Coalition receives approximately 81% of its budget from drug companies while a PR consultant for the Neuropathy Association claimed funding sources was "proprietary" information. Joel Lexchin, from York University in Toronto, Canada said "groups should publicise how much money they've gotten from which companies and what it is used for." Even though patient groups dismiss the idea that funding influences their advocacy, Lexchin is unpersuaded: "psychologists talk about the 'gift relationship'. The patient organisations are getting something and feel the need to repay that gift. Whether they are conscious of it or not is really irrelevant."

Antioxidants do not interfere with cancer treatments

FINALLY some scientific evidence to support what I and many other in the alternative health field already knew and that is that taking antixoidants (Vit C, E, Co-Q10 etc) does NOT interfere with cancer treatments and it actually HELPS the patient endure these toxic treatments. Why it can even prevent cancer patients from losing their hair with chemo!

Unbelievably, cancer doctors up until THIS VERY DAY, still believe that taking Vitamin C will interfere with radiation and chemo but in reality, anitxodiants only protect the good cells and the cancer cells do not have the ability to store antioxidants. This is the SAME mechanism that allows Artemisinin to work on cancer cells through oxidation without hurting normal cells because they can store antioxidants.

"Cancer patients will be the first to tell you (traditional treatments are) not enough," he said. "The integrated, whole person approach to cancer is highly valued, so much so that cancer patients and their caregivers are seeking out complementary or alternative therapies on their own."

This is because the mainstream medical profession has DISMALLY failed cancer patients by ignoring the benefits of nutrition and boosting the immune system in a cancer patient and in ANY patient with a chronic disease.

"For years, oncologists have caused great harm to cancer patients by insisting that they take no antioxidants whatsoever during chemotherapy or radiation treatments," said Mike Adams, a consumer health advocate and holistic nutritionist. "This misguided advice has caused immeasurable harm among cancer patients, and is one reason why conventional medicine's cancer treatments ultimately kill so many people.

If you don't like eating vegetables and fruit, then the best thing you can do is to get a good whole food supplement that is a desiccated version of the whole vegetables and fruits.. like Juice Plus. There are several on the market - just beware of ones who don't really contain whole foods only. The ideal nutrition comes from natural foods in their raw state - vegetables, fruits, seeds, whole grains.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thermography Results

Wanted to get this information up here for a week now.. and it seems to be good news but I won't be truly happy about it till I get more tests that align with this report. I wish I had been able to get a thermography scan back in July or August so that I could really compare then and now.

I have a lot of faith in thermography as an adjunctive test or perhaps an early warning screening kind of test. However, I wonder about what my results really mean and what it tells me. I now have two tests that come up normal.. The AMAS blood test and this thermography test.. yet the MRI's show a mass is still there (which I already know because it is palpable). And the October PEM Flex test showed metabolic cancer activity - cells took up sugar.

So the question is - does the thermography test show that there is no apparent cancer activity now and has it always been that way or is this recent? I really wish there was one test that could really prove or disprove the presence of a cancerous tumor and its stage. I think my next step will be to get the Cancer Profile test from the lab in Florida that tests for HcG.

Here are the thermography results in the language of ThermoMedLab who reviewed the images:

Left breast (no lumps etc): is considered within normal limits regarding thermal emission. Numerical values of 30-74 statistically, are most frequently associated with benign disorders such as cystic and fibrocystic breasts. TH score = 55

Right breast(palpable lump): is considered within normal limits regarding thermal emission. Numerical values of 30-74 statistically, are most frequently associated with benign disorders such as cystic and fibrocystic breasts. TH score = 30

So yes folks, the breast WITH the lump is cooler than the one without the lump!

The TH Ranges are as follows:

0-29 Normal

30-74 Normal with possible benign cystic characteristics

75-119 Considered at risk, possibly benign cystic

120-149 Abnormal, moderate risk.

> 150 Severely abnormal, significant risk.

Medical science may finally be getting it

They *still* have it sort of backwards but it is a step in the right direction. I think their approach, since it deals with unnatural means, may lead to side effects like arthritis and other auto-immune disorders because they are *suppressing* the T-reg cells which *control* the immune system. An uncontrolled immune system could very likely start to attack "self" and that is how arthritis and other auto-immune diseases come about.

Still, it's a step in the right direction because medical science admits that the immune system itself is already a pretty good weapon against cancer if it is allowed to work. What is missing is the simple approach of supporting the immune system with super nutrition, avoidance of toxic burden (artificial chemicals, hydrogenated oils, processed foods and chemo/radiation) and common sense healthful lifestyle like getting exercise, reducing stress, positive attitude. All of these help the immune system do it's job. No need to suppress the T-regulator cells with that approach, that I feel is going to lead to side effects down the road.

Article can be found here

What I think is extra ironic is... all the people in the alternative health field have known this for decades and yet they got attacked as QUACKS by the mainstream medical field. Now medical researchers are studying that very same thing and acting like it's their discovery. What a bunch of CRAP.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Warning for all bloggers

Just now I received a comment from "anonymous" that contained a link to a malicious site called Do not visit this site because it is probably malicious.

I moderate all my comments and that one was rejected and I never visited the site because I did some research before I went there. It had all the indications of a lazy ass scumbag hacker because the comment was very brief and just wanted to direct people to a link.

I warn all bloggers to moderate their comments so they can verify them because had this comment been posted, my blog may have assisted this scumbag in infecting my blog visitors with whatever malicious program they intended to distribute.

If you are the scumbag hacker who left this comment, I have reported you to your Registrar, and I track visits so not only do I have you latitude/longitude but I have your IP address of the computer where you visited from. knows that your registrant information is also false so I expect that they will be shutting your domain down.

I like to do my part to eliminate scumbags from perpertrating exploits.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Mercury laced vaccines will be given again to children

So as a parent in California, you now get to choose Autism or Flu for your kid.

From this article on NewsTarget:

(NewsTarget) California health officials announced today that children younger than 3 will be temporarily allowed to receive flu shots containing a mercury-laced preservative called thimerosal, after physicians statewide said mercury-free vaccines were running short.

Earlier this year, California passed a state law banning vaccines containing thimerosal from being injected in pregnant women and children under 3 years old, but reports of flu shot shortages have temporarily overruled the law.

The exemption applies only to children under 3, and will last six weeks to give the pediatric vaccine maker -- Pennsylvania-based Sanofi Pasteur -- enough time to ship an additional half million doses.

"We feel it is important to offer this short-term alternative to parents and health care providers in order to ensure young children are protected from the potentially severe effects of the flu," said Kim Belshe, secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency, in a statement.

Dr. Randy Bergen, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Kaiser Permanente, said young children and the elderly are most vulnerable to seriously complications from influenza, and children under 3 who are getting their first flu shots will actually need two doses to receive full benefits.

The mercury preservative thimerosal -- which is roughly 50 percent mercury by weight -- has been used in U.S. vaccines since the 1930s to help prevent fungal and bacterial contamination. However, in the 1990s parents and physicians brought awareness to thimerosal's possible link to rising child autism rates.

Last year, anti-thimerosal lobbying groups successfully banned vaccines containing the preservative from being given to young children and pregnant women. However, the law can be waived if mercury-free vaccines are in short supply.

Four California medical groups -- the California branch of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the California Medical Association, the California Academy of Family Physicians and Kaiser Permanente -- recently asked the state to temporarily waive the law after some clinics reported running short of the mercury-free kids' vaccine.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Milk Thistle protects your Liver and helps with Diabetes

I am posting this information because protecting your liver is one of the best things you can do because your liver is the second largest detoxification organ in your body. The number one organ is your skin. Yes your skin is an organ. Protecting your liver will help you be healthy and help reverse a lot of different kinds of health problems.

The main focus of the research in these articles is on Milk Thistle and its ability to help regulate blood sugar for Diabetes.

Here is the NewsTarget article...

And here are some more links on this:

And this article talks about the application of Milk Thistle (Silymarin) with Diabetes as well as this section on applications with cancer:

Finally, researchers from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, reported that silymarin slowed the growth of human cancer cells. In a cell-culture study, Rajesh Agarwal, PhD, and his collaborators determined that silymarin inhibited epidermal growth factor cell receptors, a type of tyrosine kinase receptor that promotes tumor growth.

"Silymarin treatment also resulted in a highly significant inhibition of cell growth and proliferation," Agarwal wrote in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology (1997;108:547, #60). "Treatment of cells with other antioxidant-like green tea polyphenols, EGCG [epigallocatechin gallate], quercetin, curcumin and genistein, also resulted in similar inhibitory effects albeit at different levels."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Birth Control Pills linked to Pre-Menopausal Breast Cancer

I have seen this link before and I can tell you that yes, I took birth control pills in my 20's and early 30's. I can't tell you for how long I took them but it was in the order of years. It might have been 3 or 4 maybe and I think there were a couple of 3-4 year periods when I tried a different type. All of them made me gain weight. One made my skin go blotchy in the sun.. a weird uneven tan pattern that was not very attractive. So ultimately I stopped taking them. But perhaps I am yet another statistic pointing to the definite risks of taking birth control pills.

Here is the article.

I can also tell you that even though I kept questioning my doctors about the weight gain, they consistently denied it caused weight gain. I disagree totally because before taking them, I never had a problem with weight gain and I gained something like 20-30 pounds after taking birth control pills that I am just starting to finally lose being on this all-natural detox diet.

The last time I took a birth control pill was at least 15-20 years ago. And now I am paying a price apparently. So if you are currently taking them, be warned of this new evidence of increased incidence of "pre-menopausal" breast cancer. I am a virtual living statistic....

Please preserve the Internet!

If you value the ability to look up tons of information on just about any topic and get independent veiws as well as mainstream views, you will need to sit up and take notice of something sinister that is about to happen to our last freedom, the Internet.

Please read this article to find out more.

If the bill HR 5252 gets passed, this blog may not reach as many people as it is now and people will be cut off from valuable FREE and INDEPENDENT information.

See this link as well that is a FAQ on the topic.

And this article is even more direct in it's characterization of what could happen if this goes through. Through the same site, you can sign a petition and send email to your representatives letting them know how you feel. We need to speak up now before it's too late.

See this link for the groundswell to preserve Net Neutrality as it is today on the Internet.

Some excerpts from other sources of note:


Congress is now considering a major overhaul of the nation's telecommunications laws (H.R. 5252) that fails to protect Net Neutrality. Senator Wyden has placed a hold on this legislation until clear language is included in the bill to protect Net Neutrality. He is also a co-sponsor of a bipartisan Net Neutrality measure offered this spring by Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.).

"The key to the Internet's growth and success has been its inherent openness and freedom," said Alan Davidson of Google. "Senator Wyden has been among the strongest voices fighting to protect the freedom of Internet users. We applaud his efforts to preserve Network Neutrality and to make sure any Internet content can be accessed free of restrictions."

Net Neutrality is supported by a diverse, growing coalition of big and small businesses, unions, educators, thousands of bloggers and every major consumer group in the country. More than 750 organizations from across the political spectrum have come together as the Coalition, including Free Press, U.S. PIRG, the Christian Coalition, MoveOn, Consumers Union, Gun Owners of America, ACLU and the American Library Association. has collected more than 1.2 million petition signatures nationwide.

For all you Pennsylvania voters reading this, Senator Rick Santorum voted to TABLE the Dorgan amendment referred to above so he is not someone who is a stauch supporter of INTERNET FREEDOM AND NEUTRALITY so consider that on November 7th.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Yet another travesty against natural health

Please read this article to learn some more frightening facts about how useful information that can help thousands of people is suppressed and attacked by our government and other governments as well!

Some excerpts:

Recently, I was sent the 1,847 page transcript of the three-week trial of Truehope’s founders, Anthony Stephan and David Hardy, who have just been found not guilty of criminal charges brought against them by Health Canada (Canada’s FDA) for distributing an “unapproved drug” during the year 2003. So, the rest of this article will include key details of the trial not available elsewhere. Many who are already familiar with the Truehope story believe that the co-founders of Truehope have developed the most significant breakthrough in the treatment of mental illness that has occurred during our lifetime. I am hard pressed not to agree with them.

During the time that Truehope continued to develop and promote its product, Health Canada tried many ways to shut Truehope down, including raiding Truehope’s corporate offices and seizing corporate and patient records, as well as closing down a study financed by the Province of Alberta at the University of Calvary. Eventually, by the time Health Canada started seizing the product at the border as it came from the American manufacturing plant into Canada, the Canadian Mental Health Association jumped in to arrange “personal exemptions” for desperate patients, and even reported several deaths to Health Canada because of the stoppage.

So oppression in the name of "better science" is not just the sole domain of the United States. Oppressors of natural treatments are everywhere and they must be stopped.

Is America becoming a Fascist state?

Coming to a theater near you is America: Freedom to Fascism. Why do I mention this movie in a blog about breast cancer? Because the evil roots that control the cancer industry are growing way deeper than I ever realized and it is ALL connected. Go ahead and call me a wacko. I believe we have become, as a population, the most anesthesized, sickly and apathetic group of people ever. We are no better than the food for a bunch of parasites. We labor day in and day out and most of us never see the American Dream because we pay so much of it in our taxes and daily living expenses.

So the pharmaceutical companies that want to make us all dependent on drugs? That's just the TIP of the horrid iceberg people. I no longer watch TV and I don't get the programming any more so I am seeing clearly what everyone else is seeing through a media haze. Do you realize how much you are programmed what to think through newspapers, magazines and TV? Do you have ANY idea? The people who control all of that media are the ones who are at the roots of this mess we are in. They are pulling all the strings of government. Not the American voters. We are just pawns for the bankers controlling everything.

Go see this movie. And wake the heck up. Your future depends on it.

This movie is available on youtube, but I encourage you to support the creator of the movie and see it in the theater. It's an amazing thing that he is able to get this movie to be shown because I believe it WILL start a revolution. If it doesn't, then this country is already down the tubes.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gimme a break

Ok in this article I just found, the guy is obviously FOR Pharmaceutical companies continuing to spread LIES that they are working on a cure for cancer. It gets downright irritating for women with the push and pull of information coming in the form of a freaking hillbilly feud. Corporate profit motives ARE exploiting breast cancer with the "pink" campaign and pharmaceutical companies ARE directing research money ONLY to cures which they can patent and they are IGNORING natural cures that are available NOW.

Mammograms do not save lives. Only 1 woman out of 100 is better off for having gotten a mammogram and 8 will have false positives that might result in unnecessary and toxic treatments and possibly disfiguring surgery they didn't need. Mammograms compress the breast, inducing TRAUMA which makes the breast more prone to cancer and to boot they irradiate them as well. For each mammogram a woman receives she increases her chance of getting cancer FROM the mammogram by 2%. After 10 years of annual mammograms she has increased he cancer risk by 20%.

There are other methods available that are safer now. For routine screening you just need to be familiar with your breasts so you can recognize changes. If you have lumps that are benign now, be familiar with where they are. If you see changes in the skin, or redness or feel a new lump - then you go for a breast MRI and possibly also a PEM Flex scan (PET scan mammogram)..

The reporter in the linked story is sadly misinformed and just repeating the conventional medicine mantra. He is misguided in his attempt to "protect" women. I suggest he go and do a little more research before he writes the next story.

Byron Richards weighs in on the FDA bullying

Here is a great article on I always love how Mike Adams sees right through the hype of any issue and gets right to the truth. With his help I have become more aware of the media spin perpertrated by the FDA and the Pharmaceutical cartel. The FDA is supposed to be working for us - they get taxpayer money. But instead, they are the federal arm of the Pharmaceutical cartel and it needs to be stopped.. now...

Read the NewsTarget article here for an even more scathing review of their bullying than even my own post on the topic...

Here are some highlights from the article:

The FDA was within their rights to send warning letters. True enough, some of these small companies had stepped over the line. Had they harmed anybody? Most of the nutrients in the products being offered actually have considerable science showing they may help diabetes. What is the FDA really afraid of? People getting better? People learning what options they have to the drug racket of the sickness industry? Maybe the FDA is trying to distract the public, portraying themselves as effective while they continue to this day to allow thousands of Americans to be injured and die in the name of profits for Bayer.

The FDA justified beating up on small American companies in this way: “We will not tolerate practices that raise false hopes and bilk consumers of precious health care dollars,” said Margaret O’K. Glavin, FDA’s Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs. “Diabetes requires effective treatments and aggressive management, not bogus and unproven products.”

And what are these effective treatments? A commonly used FDA-approved diabetes drug, Actos, has been found to increase edema and heart failure and have no benefit to diabetic patients. Another diabetes drug, Metformin, is known to cause B12 deficiency that will certainly increase the risk for neuropathy. Then there is the expensive new diabetes drug, Januvia, expected to have sales of a billion dollars. Once again, the drug only treats symptoms and does not fix the cause of the problem. When doctors put patients on insulin to control type II diabetes the typical outcome is that blood sugar is lowered by stuffing calories into fat, a medical treatment that causes fatigue and further obesity. If we took the FDA statement about “bilking consumers” at face value many common FDA-approved diabetes treatments would need to be shut down. Is it any wonder individuals are desperately looking for help?

The FDA is discriminatory against small nutritional companies. This is because the FDA is avidly seeking to create a New World Order in which all supplement companies are owned or controlled by Big Pharma, and all therapeutic nutritional supplements are removed from the free market.


This last paragraph worries me a great deal as I feel he is 100% on the money. They are trying to browbeat the small companies who provide real health solutions into being controlled by Big Pharma so they can corral all the healthy alternatives through their own profit machine. This is troublesome to me and everyone needs to WAKE UP and see what is going on.

One good thing is, pharmaceutical companies will never be able to control how much good food I eat. However, they CAN alter the food supply with their unnatural chemicals and additives to the point that none of us can escape the toxic effects. And THAT is what I worry about.

Chemical companies - usually owned by or in bed with - pharamaceuticals - are trying to control our lives through chemicals. I have forsaken most chemicals in my foods - those that I can knowingly avoid through reading the labels. Our lives are NOT better through chemistry. Very few things chemistry has added to our lives is beneficial. It is unnatural and there is a price to pay for every one we ingest, whether on purpuse through so-called "medicines" or through food or inadvertently in our environment.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Australian attack on Laetrile

I found this article just recently which is FULL of misinformation that has been peddled by the big cancer business cartel - and that is that Laetrile will give you cyanide poisoning. This is totally NOT TURE. I can tell you that because I am taking at least 2 grams a day of Laetrile and I am not getting poisoned. It does not release cyanide unless in the presence of a cancer cell and it is on a very small scale, taking the cancer cell out in the process.

I can't comment on the doctor who is the subject of the article - whether he is taking people's money or not. But what I think is laughable is - they are charging his with the death of some patients. I'd like to see more of that with doctors in THIS COUNTRY. Charge some of the oncologists with freaking MURDER when they kill their cancer patients. I'll bet that would change some of the barbaric treatments!

Here is the sentence that gets my blood boiling:

Laetrile has shown little anti-cancer effect in laboratory studies. Its active anti-cancer ingredient is cyanide. Side effects include cyanide poisoning.

They have the audacity to make these statements without any data because you know what? if they had data it would show that Laetrile IS effective. The freaking laboratory studies they refer to were conducted by Sloan Kettering and they skewed the data to show it did not work.

Please read this article

Dr Ralph Moss is THE expert on the cover-up by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital when it comes to Laetrile. Here is his bio

Ralph W. Moss, PhD, is an internationally known medical writer who has written or edited twelve books and three film documentaries, mostly on the question of cancer research and treatment. He is a graduate of New York City public schools, New York University (BA, cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 1965) and Stanford University (MA, 1973, PhD, 1974, Classics). The former science writer and assistant director of public affairs at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York (1974-1977), for over 30 years Moss has independently evaluated the claims of various cancer treatments, conventional and nonconventional. He currently directs The Moss Reports, a periodically updated library of detailed reports on 200+ varieties of cancer diagnoses. A recognized expert on such treatments, he is listed in Marquis Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in HealthCare, etc.

All I have to say is.. YOU DECIDE. I know I have.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Another new breast cancer test

This test sounds identical to PEM Flex but it is called BSGI or Breast Specific Gamma Imaging. I love how the article fails to mention that this is not new and that PEM Flex was out there first and is a similar technology. Just goes to show you how much weight you can put on any one news article. Seems to me it should have been mentioned. Read the article here.

In case you haven't read my post on PEM Flex, the test is NOT without side effects from the radiation however those effects are usually short lived. They will NOT tell you there can be side effects from the radiation. However, the test seems to be very useful since a tumor will show metabolic activity and be detected. During the test, you are a radioactive hazard to the technician.

I have some new thoughts on this also however. I am wondering if a benign lesion would also show metabolic activity if there are a bunch of cells collected there. How likely is it that that lump will be detectable on tests like this and it is *always* a tumor which should be "treated"? I am not sure if shows the degree of the cancer and perhaps one that is properly walled off and being handled by the body will appear the same as one which is aggressive and infiltrating.

In any case it is WAY more accurate than mammograms. I would *not* recommend getting this test on an annual basis however because of the radiation exposure. I'm not even sure if it should be used when a lump is found because most lumps are NOT cancer and that would expose so many more women to radiation through the injection.

My current opinion if I were to find a new lump today or for the first time would be to get a cancer profile blood test done (see a couple posts back on that) and get a report about the levels of HCG and trophoblasts in your body to see if your body is in fact producing cancer cells. If you get a report showing this condition does exist, then go ahead and get the BSGI or PEM Flex test along with a Breast MRI. With that information you can decide if you should take action.

I would also recommend a thermography scan as a baseline *before* anyone gets any lumps. Then it can be very helpful *after* a lump is found to compare to the baseline thermography scan.

However, I also believe that if a woman gets an annual thermography scan, any cancer development can be caught earlier with that simple test. Way more valuable than annual mammograms and no risk.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Thermography scan

Ok got the thermography scan. My first one. I won't have a report till next week after the images are analyzed. Here is how it went and what I needed to do in preparation:

  • Two days prior, no underarm shaving
  • No coffee or alchohol for 24 hours prior to test
  • Hot shower more than 2 hours before test, preferably more
  • No deodorant under arms the morning of the test
For the test, they had me sit with a gown on upper body and with bare feet, on a stool in front of the camera. I could see the thermal images on the screen while sitting there. They had me sit for 15 minutes in the room to acclimate. The room was on the cool side. I was not to touch my chest or that area during that 15 minutes.

Once the test started, the gown was dropped down and my hands were above my head to lift the breasts for better visibility. There were three angles - frontal, left and right. Then my hands were submerged in icey water for 1 minute to draw blood away from breasts and into hands. Another three images were taken. In my case, there was no difference in the images.

My right breast where the lump is, showed a large area of dark blue coloring compared to the left. Not sure what that means. There were no "hot spots" of color that I could tell in either breast.

Results come back next week. They send the data off to have it analyzed by thermography experts.

After the scan I sat for 30 minutes in the Infrared Sauna - set to 126 degrees... a very dry heat. Heat is an enemy of cancer cells and it also draws viruses and toxins out and gets rid of them.

After that visit I headed over to Dr Lipton's office for a quick PAPIMI treatment. That is the magentic pulse generator thing. I am getting 12 treatments altogether centered around the right breast for the most part.

After the PAPIMI yesterday I noticed some new sensations in my right breast - not really pain or discomfort.. more of a "twinge". .. but certainly a sensation in that area where there had never been any before. I am thinking this is a sign of some change in the lump - perhaps necrosis of cancer cells and then my body dealing with it?

I plan to next get a full cancer profile from this place
That test will look for some cancer markers and also HcG - read more about what this test can do at this link.

The Cancer Machine loves celebrity endorsements

Every time I see another celebrity with breast cancer being paraded in the media it gets me angrier. This just serves the interests of the Cancer Machine - that being the big Pharmaceutical companies for the most part, who stand to benefit the most from current cancer "treatments". Another industry heavily in favor of spreading fear about breast cancer to generate more potential patients is the Radiology industry. Close behind them is the Surgeons. I would call this the Cancer Profit Triad really.

Here is a story that shows what I mean and I quote:

Dr Lesley Walker of Cancer Research UK said: "The survey illustrates another aspect of what has come to be known as 'the Kylie effect'.

"Celebrities with breast cancer like Kylie Minogue and Caron Keating have attracted a lot of publicity - especially in magazines aimed at younger women.

"This is very beneficial in that it raises awareness of breast cancer.


Translation - it is very beneficial for those who stand to profit from getting more cancer customers.

It is NOT beneficial in the spreading of FEAR and the chance that many women, out of the FEAR will get screened, they will find a lump, they will not be sure if it is cancer and they will subject that woman to UNECESSARY surgery and radiation.

What I really am pissed about is - they really can't be 100% sure a lump is cancer until they remove it. Even if they see "neoplastic" activity it is not an indication that something must be done about it. So, lots of women end up getting "treatment" they NEVER NEEDED and certainly had they just made positive changes to their diets in response to the fear instead of following the tortured path of conventional medicine, they would all be WAY better off.

I think it is safe to say that a large proportion of women who get "cancer treatment" are worse off than had they NEVER gotten treatment. Now, down the road, if they don't make drastic changes to their diet and lifestyle, it could become a problem. Herein lies the dilemma. The current practice of interfering at an early stage with invasive procedures almost ensures damage to the health of the patient. If the early detection patients would SIMPLY follow standard cancer diets which should include cutting out sugar, processed foods and animal fats and also adding Laetrile to the daily intake, we would see a lot less women losing their hair, suffering from the long term effects of chemo and radiation. When will this madness end? How can we educate the women of the world to choose HEALTH over INJURY when it comes to cancer?

FDA, FTC have joined forces to remove natural diabetes treatments from the web using campaign of "threat letters," says health advocate

So here we go with the Big Pharma bullying. This is OUTRAGEOUS and should not be tolerated by our citizens for our government institutions to bully retailers like this! Here is a link to the NewsTarget article and here are some excerpts from that article:

(NewsTarget) According to a newsletter on the FDA website, the agency has teamed up with the Federal Trade Commission and similar agencies in Canada and Mexico to form the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), in order to quash "deceptive" internet ads for cures or treatments for diabetes.

The warning letters caution that failure to comply with the FDA's demands may result in actions such as product seizure and injunctions without any further notice. So far, the network says it has caused a quarter of targeted firms to shut down, and some others are in contact with the FTC regarding the warnings.

Health advocates such as Adams and Jon Barron say that the only consumers who are being taken in, however, are the ones who buy into the FDA and FTC claims.

Barron points out on his blog, that a study was released on the same day the FDA made their announcement, suggesting that FDA-approved diabetes drug pioglitazone is not only useless as a treatment, but is also harmful to patients.

Barron said that consumers should read between the lines of Glavin's quote, and assume she means that the FDA will not tolerate practices that raise false hopes and bilk consumers unless the pharmaceutical companies and FDA-approved drugs are responsible for said false hopes and bilking.

"The conventional medicine approach to treating diabetes doesn't work," Adams said. "No diabetes patient has ever been cured by pharmaceuticals, but countless numbers have been cured through foods, herbs, nutritional supplements and exercise. The FDA doesn't want anyone to know that because it threatens the profits of drug companies.

"Drug companies are expecting a windfall of profits from diabetes patients over the next two decades, but to lock those profits in, they have to clear away the competition from anti-diabetic foods, herbs and nutritional supplements," he said. "Enter the FDA and FTC, the street thugs of Big Pharma, who do the dirty work of threatening online retailers with heavy fines if they don't stop telling the truth about their natural products."


It's ludicrous for them to try to threaten retailers outside the jurisdiction of the US as well. But if the CODEX is passed, then the long reach of the FDA will be extended to THE WORLD. That is why we need to STOP THE CODEX. Their agenda is not to make people healthy. It is to protect the Pharmaceutical company profits. A large number of Advisory Board members of the FDA have stock in and very strong ties to Pharmaceuticals and Chemical companies.

You know that next in their crosshairs will be Laetrile. Most of the Laetrile sold online comes from Mexico so I am certain they will be trying the same tactics with Laetrile next. I will make it my LIFE MISSION to make sure Laetrile is available to EVERYONE.

Sheryl Crow suffers from edema in left arm

Well I was wondering when we would hear some of the down side to Sheryl's breast cancer treatments because it sure seemed we were only hearing what the Cancer Machine wanted us to hear and that was "we fixed Sheryl Crow". Well now it seems in this link discussing her workout routines that she confesses to Gabby Reece the following:

"I am finding that periodically I have edema in my left arm and am unable to do what I usually do with it, strength-wise. And because I am compensating for it, my shoulder gets sore. "

That's because she probably agreed to the "sentinel lymph node biopsy" which I think is a terrible way to see if cancer has spread. It involves removing lymph nodes to check them. Well you can't put them back after you check them and SO many women suffer from edema in that arm after this procedure. Doctors try to downplay the risk. It also REDUCES the protection from your lymph system from infections in that arm.

There is a reason why the lymph nodes are there and taking some out will ALWAYS have consequences. I think it is deplorable that the doctors so easily promote such a practice. There are other ways to test if cancer has spread and here are just a few:

  1. AMAS Blood test
  2. The Navarro Urine Test
  3. The HCG Test
  4. PEM Flex test
The PEM test includes a scan of the axillary lymph nodes in the arm nearest any detected breast lump and *will* show if there is cancer in those lymph nodes. No need to REMOVE the lymph nodes to check them. Grrrr

Back to Sheryl... so the public face of Sheryl Crow seems to be the poster child for the conventional medicine solution to breast cancer as can be seen in many articles like this one.

She was told "they got it all" and she is "free and clear" .. well I hope Sheryl reads this blog because since she got the radiation treatment, she is ripe for a new cancer to spring up unless she follows some of the alternative methods such as a predominantly raw diet, adding Laetrile to her regimen etc. Since she let them remove some lymph nodes in that arm, she has reduced infection fighting ability in that arm. Super nutrition is the only thing that is going to keep her from becoming a headline again with a new cancer fight.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Lose the FAT to fight cancer

Not only should you cut out animal fat you eat, but you need to lose the fat you are carrying around if you want to fight cancer. This is good news for me since I have dropped about 10 pounds with more dropping each week from my new diet of healthy foods. I figure I was carrying around about 20-30 pounds I could do without to get to a normal weight. Nothing I did before this every made the scale budge more than a pound or two. My past efforts included diet drinks, and some lowfat foods that might have been mostly chemical - certainly not natural by any means. I never ate red meat or very rarely.. mostly chicken, turkey etc. But now I am mostly eating vegetables, fruits, non-dairy and a little fish.

Here is an article on this that illustrates a study with lean mice and their ability to fight cancer...

The TRUTH for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Here is an excellent article from my favorite Health Activist Mike Adams at NewsTarget that very succinctly sums up how women are being feared into becoming victims of the big Cancer Machine needlessly.

Excerpts from the article:

The emphasis on breast cancer "screening," and the circus of holding breast cancer awareness months is, of course, all about recruiting more women into a system of treatment that generates profits for drug companies. Using fear-based tactics of recruitment (like telling women, "You'll die in six months if you don't undergo chemotherapy..."), the breast cancer industry manages to corral women of all races and ages into treatments that actually harm far more women than they help.

And yet breast cancer screening is the only form of "prevention" offered by the cancer industry. Only it isn't prevention, it's detection. Breast cancer screening does nothing to educate women how to really prevent breast cancer, nor does it teach women how to change their diets and lifestyles so that breast cancer never develops in the first place. In fact, the strategy of the cancer industry today can be best described as waiting for women to get cancer, then treating it with toxic drugs.

Yet even the World Health Organization admits that 70 percent of all cancers can be prevented through simple changes in food and lifestyle. That number is probably conservative, though. My own opinion is that 90 percent of all cancers can be prevented through simple food and lifestyle changes. Yet no one in the cancer industry is interested in teaching any of these strategies to women. In the cancer industry, there is no incentive to teach women how to avoid breast cancer, because to do so would eliminate a future customer!

Ever notice that cancer centers are not called, "Anti-Cancer Centers?" You see them in virtually every city and state across the country: The Washington Cancer Center, or the San Francisco Cancer Center. Here in Arizona, we have a massive, new building being constructed, and it's named the Arizona Cancer Center. These are all monuments to cancer, and they are for-profit businesses constructed for the purpose of making money from a woman's disease. They turn cancer into profit, and they depend on continued cancer to stay in business.

I also suggest that all these cancer treatment centers donate 100 percent of their profits to cancer prevention campaigns. It's wrong to profit from a woman's cancer, is it not? If these businesses really cared about stopping cancer, they'd refuse to profit from the disease and, instead, use the money to help stop cancer in future generations of women (and men, for that matter).

Here, for the benefit of women everywhere, is a partial list of the things that cause cancer and things that don't. You're not going to find full descriptions and citations here, as that would require an entire book all by itself, but this is a very useful reference list that tells the truth about what causes or prevents cancer in the human body.

18 things that CAUSE cancer: (in no particular order)

  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Drinking non-organic milk or eating non-organic dairy products
  • Hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids - See Poison In the Food or articles on hydrogenated oils
  • Mammography radiation - see articles on mammograms
  • Chemotherapy and radiation
  • Perfumes and fragrance products
  • Cosmetics and personal care products - see articles on personal care products
  • Home cleaning products, including laundry detergent, dryer sheets, etc.
  • Plastic food containers - includes plastic lining inside food cans
  • Sodium nitrite - found in most processed meats, see articles on sodium nitrite
  • Pesticides, PCBs, chlorine and other chemicals
  • Acrylamides (formed during high-heat food processing such as frying)
  • Watching television / lack of exercise
  • Severe emotional distress or relationship stress
  • Refined sugars / refined grains
  • Dry cleaning chemicals
  • Hair color chemicals
  • Nail polish remover

21 things that PREVENT cancer:

  • Vitamin D and sunshine - see the Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D
  • Anti-cancer foods - see articles about anti-cancer foods
  • Green tea - see articles about green tea
  • Broccoli and cruciferous vegetables - see articles about broccoli
  • Medicinal mushrooms - reishi, shiitake, agaricus blazei, etc.
  • Lycopene and tomatoes
  • Chlorella - see articles on chlorella, or check out a recommended chlorella product: Rejuvenate! From (product to be launched soon)
  • Pomegranate seeds - see artiles on pomegranate or
  • Omega-3 oils / chia seeds - available from
  • Rainforest herbs - There are many anti-cancer rainforest herbs, including graviola and Cat's Claw (Una de Gato). Recommended sources is Terry Pezzi of the high-integrity Amazon Herb Company (also helping to preserve the Amazon rainforest) - Another great source of rainforest herbs is Rain Tree with Leslie Taylor
  • Juice detoxification - Read books by Dr. Gabriel Cousens or visit his retreat in Southern Arizona
  • Acupuncture - helps move blood and chi (body's energy)
  • Sprouts - ALL sprouts are anti-cancer. Best sprouting machine is the EasyGreen Automatic Sprouter (use any search engine to find resellers)
  • Red clover - Helps cleanse the blood. Find from any supplement maker.
  • Deep breathing / oxygenation / stress reduction - Best product is called Stress Eraser (highly recommended)
  • Yoga, Tai Chi or Pilates - These all boost lymph circulation
  • Cacao - (real chocolate) - Good sources are or
  • Therapeutic massage - helps move lymph, boost circulation
  • Mint - grow your own (the easiest plant to grow)
  • Apricot pits / laetrile / vitamin B17 - View this World Without Cancer video featuring G. Edward Griffin
  • Blackberries - Most berries contain some form of anti-cancer medicine

Well done Mike... I'm so on board with this effort he is making to counter the total scam being perpetrated by the AMA and the big pharmaceutical companies...

During this month of "Breast Cancer Awareness" I am constantly assaulted when in public with the signs of the marketing campaign by the profiteers in the cancer "industry". It makes me downright SICK to see the exploitation of a very serious disease affecting women. Women are being educated to FEAR their breasts - some even cutting them off before they get cancer. This is so totally outrageous. I wonder if the people responsible for all this misinformation have any conscience at all...

Another bogus report on mammograms

So the title of this article says Mammograms Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths. Yet, in the article we have these excerpts:

The reviewers estimated that for every 2,000 women who are invited to get mammograms for 10 years, one woman’s life will be prolonged as a result of detecting and treating a potentially lethal cancer. Another 10 healthy women will be transformed into cancer patients and undergo treatment needlessly.

An additional 200 will have the anxiety-inducing experience of a false positive — being told about a suspicious finding on a mammogram that further testing reveals to be noncancerous.

“Screening mammography is clearly a double-edged sword,” said Lisa Schwartz, M.D., co-director of the Veterans Administration Outcomes Group in White River Junction, Vermont.

“Regular screening will save some lives but will cause even more women to be harmed through the unnecessary diagnosis and treatment of cancers that would never have affected their health, were it not for screening.”


Ok so show me again how mammogram reduce breast cancer deaths???? The title does not match the content of the article.

This is the sticking point for me and for my breast cancer lump as well. Does having found require me to do something about it necessarily? I am very healthy. What would have happened if I had not found it? Is it like a time bomb that would have gone off at some point? Or would it just sit there minding it's own business until I authorized some surgeon to go digging around in my breast? I firmly believe that in a LARGE number of cases, the treatment hastens the disease, causes the patient to suffer under the toxic load of the "treatment" and if they are lucky they get through it. What would have happened if they had done nothing?

Earlier in this blog I linked a story about women on which autopsies were performed who died of other causes such as accidents. They found a large number of women had these ductal carcinomas and they probably never even knew it. I don't think this means they were going to necessarily get sick and die because they had them either. However, some of them might have eventually come down with more and more cancer depending on how they lived, what they ate etc.

So I think it is ABSOLUTELY true that women are so scared these days and they get the mammograms and BAM they say - you have breast cancer - but in many cases the treatment is WAY overkill and makes the woman's health actually DECLINE from a healthy starting point. SO UNNECESSARY! If more women who had an "early detection" would learn how to change their diet, take Laetrile and other changes that support healing, I believe we would see WAY more women beating breast cancer for good.

Overtreatments common for breast cancer

A good article discussing how many women are prescribed tamoxifen even if their cancer is not stimulated by estrogen, and some more information on how women fare after getting a lumpectomy vs a mastectomy.

Once again, as in many of the mainstream articles, it is NEVER mentioned how the women fare who opt to not do surgery, chemo or radiation and instead use natural methods to fix the underlying problem. How can the mainstream continue to ignore this fact???

Surgery is not necessarily without risks and I am not just talking about infections. It also likely spreads the cancer because they can NEVER "get it all" as much as they like to tell people that. The cliche "we think we got it all" is so untrue. The cancer cells left behind become more aggressive and right at the time when your body is recovering from surgery as well.

I have been finishing the book World Without Cancer and it is quite the eye opener. I also continue to take Laetrile and have increased to three times a day at least with 500mg. I continue to take the Zeolite as well and I alternate the Artemisinin now every other evening.

What really shocks me about the linked article above is - they mentioned that some women with mastectomies were given radiation.. Um.. why? The breast tissue is gone.. what is left to irradiate? And I saw that some women are still being given chemotherapy when it should be well known by now that chemotherapy is NOT recommended for breast cancer. I also believe, even if it has shown up in the lymph nodes - it should not be used. Of course I wouldn't take a chemo drug EVER. Well that is unless I wanted to commit suicide which is what you are doing if you let them inject you with chemo drugs. The chemo drugs they are "treating" people with suppress the immune system at a time when it is ALREADY SUPPRESSED in some way. So hey let's kick it in the groin while we're at it!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Watch out for Organic Fakes

Apparently the consumer demand for organic has created some not so honest organic food producers who label their foods as organic but the source of the food is not necessarily what you would expect.

View this Dr Mercola video on the subject and become an informed consumer

Also see this link on to how to find locally produced organic food in your area:

I for one, am disappointed to find out that Stonyfield Farms Organic Yogurt is not really what I thought it was and not particularly healthy. I was using that in my health shakes and I will promptly throw it right out now that I know the truth.

Very sad when you cannot trust food labels. Not only do I need to read the labels, but now I have to do additional research before I even go to the grocery store. Pretty irritating.

TV is Ruining Your Life

A great article here on how you can actually be brave enough to give up TV. I have.

I actually stopped watching TV well before my early July breast cancer diagnosis and I don't miss it. There are times when in social gatherings people say "Hey did you see that commercial on.. ?" or they discuss a new TV series of which I know nothing. But guess what.. there are lots of other interesting things to talk about than "what's on TV"

In fact a good 98% of my life is commercial free. The only time I see advertising is the few banner ads on web sites (I use Firefox and block pop-ups and many banner ads), or in a magazine or billboard. I have not heard a SINGLE political ad for the upcoming election which makes my heart sing! I have Sirius Satellite Radio for my music and mostly listen to the "Spa" channel which is continuous New Age relaxing music and wonderfully peaceful background music.

If I want to buy something, I seek it in Google or Froogle and I research it on the Internet. I don't need advertisers to SUGGEST a product I might need. I can come up with those ideas all by myself and then I evaluate the choices. This is the way it should be. We are simply BOMBARDED with buy this buy that junk in our world and it should be considered a form of pollution.. Mind pollution...

Furthermore, most of the advertising suggests you aren't good enough the way you are unless you buy their product. They constantly promote perfect people with perfect teeth, perfect hair, perfect skin.. you can have this too if only you buy our product. Bullshit. You want to have a perfect body, stop filling it with chemicals and processed food and start eating what we were intended to eat, which is fresh, natural, live foods.. and you don't find them in a can.

I walk my dogs in the early evening darkness and see almost every household with a TV glowing in the living room... rarely do I walk by a house where people are home and the TV is not on. This is a fundamental problem in our society. TV teaches you to be apathetic, lazy and in need of external stimulation. And then there are the constant subliminal messages about how you should live your life.

Don't even get me started on the freaking DRUG ads that are promoted like some kind of personal care product that will make your life wonderful. The pharmaceutical companies are really just legitimate DRUG PUSHERS. They use the same tactics to get people hooked as the corner drug dealer but they have a whole lot more money and government permission to assault the public with their advertising.

Advertising by drug companies should never have been allowed. It cuts the Doctor out of the loop and basically makes him a highly paid pharmacist. Patients come in and ask for Drug X that they saw on TV. This is not the way it should be. It is ASS BACKWARDS. The Doctor needs to be the expert on the drug to prescribe. However, I think even with that system, our entire healthcare system approach is terribly flawed in that even Doctors believe there is drug to fix nearly every problem of the human race.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Juicing now a part of my diet

Last Friday I received my new masticating juicer, an Omega 8003. There are other recommended juicers out there which are similar. I happened to settle on this one and I really like how easy it is to clean and how quiet it is.. big pluses for using a juicer.

The deal with a masticating juicer vs one that whirs things to death is that it literally squeezes the juice out of things. A blender/food processor type of juicer leaves a lot of the juice in the pulp so you have to juice a lot more stuff to get the juice you should. The whirring of things also heats the enzymes just enough to damage them and the physical whirring also may damage the enzymes.

With a juicer, you can get the nutrients of a lot more vegetables and fruits than you would if you tried to eat them with the pulp. The pulp has value for fiber content, but by squeezing the nutrients out you can get a powerhouse glass of nutrients and enzymes that you can't buy at any store. The juicer allows me to increase the amount of raw foods I consume without feeling like a rabbit eating only salads - although I do try to eat a good sized salad every day.

MRI results

MRI is done and I have reviewed the various slices. Nothing dramatic to report except to say it has not grown and it does appear that the edges are less "spiculated" in medical terminology. On further investigation to try to figure out exactly what less spiculation means, I discovered that MRI really might not be the ideal way for me to monitor this breast lump because even a benign lesion can take up contrast dye and appear malignant. I found a very detailed article on the value of MRI with breast lumps and it turns out that they are not quite as accurate as I originally thought. MRI has value but perhaps it will not give me the information I need to monitor this.

Here is a quote from a study that I found on Breast MRI accuracy:

Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast is known to reveal breast cancer with higher sensitivity than mammography alone. The specificity is, however, compromised by the observation that several benign masses take up contrast agent in addition to malignant lesions.

This means that inside that mass could be millions of dead and dying cancer cells and necrotic tumor tissue but it would still appear the same on the MRI. Sigh. Because of this I won't be getting another MRI for at least 6 months since I don't expect the size to diminish in less time than that.

SO.. I have made an appointment finally for a breast thermography test at a local facility - and there weren't many places who have this test in my area suprisingly. Not sure if the test shows no heat pattern, what that might mean, but in any case I will get the test now and check back in a month or two and see if any changes.

Here are two sample images from my MRI today compared to my prior one in July at the same facility:

October 18, 2006

July 5, 2006

The dilemma is - now that I know I have this lump and I'm not going to remove it surgically, how do I monitor it and whether it has metastisized? I suppose I can use the AMAS blood test and perhaps find another cancer marker blood test to use as a monitor. But it seems that it will be difficult to prove that what I am doing is working until months go by and I haven't gotten sick or there isn't some downward spiral in my health. I'd love to find a more definite way to monitor this and a PEM scan is just too risky to do as often as I'd like with the radiation exposure.

Breast lumps are just not as simple as say.. cholesterol level. That is much easier to track. What I need to find is a test that measures the cancer marker for this tumor so I can say today it is a particular number and then see if next month it is less.

If I find an optimal way to monitor this lump, then it will have implications for all women even those without known breast lumps. So stay tuned...

Here is a link with some ideas for other tests I plan to try for monitoring things:

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Vitamin D and Breast Cancer

Very exciting news on the important role of Vitamin D in preventing and stopping breast cancer in this article...


NewsTarget) According to new research published in the Journal of Clinical Pathology, women with advanced-stage breast cancer have significantly lower levels of vitamin D in their bodies than women in the early stages of the disease.

"This report, while being an observational study, clearly shows that circulating vitamin D levels are lower in advanced breast cancer as compared to early breast cancer," said Dr. Carlo Palmieri of Imperial College London. "It lends support to the idea that vitamin D has a role in the progression of breast cancer.

The Codex must be stopped

From this very good article:

The United Nations World Health Organization is attempting to make the Codex Alimentarious effective in every country. It has been initiated in both Germany and Australia, according to reports. This severely limits access to dietary supplements like vitamins and minerals. For example, if the Codex is fully activated, it will be necessary for us to obtain a physician’s prescription to purchase more than RDA amounts of vitamin C. Beyond the extra cost involved, this represents a serious health threat since this substance is an important liver metabolite.

Here are more articles:

One thing they can't take from us is getting our vitamins through foods by using a masticating juicer. If the Codex goes through and we are less and less able to get nutritional supplements, then this will be where we will need to turn for staying healthy. Hopefully it will not come to that. This Codex started out as a good idea - to improve the safety of food - but it has gone horribly off track in targeting nutritional supplements and limiting consumers to being able to buy supplements that are as potent as they need to be.