Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Thermography scan

Ok got the thermography scan. My first one. I won't have a report till next week after the images are analyzed. Here is how it went and what I needed to do in preparation:

  • Two days prior, no underarm shaving
  • No coffee or alchohol for 24 hours prior to test
  • Hot shower more than 2 hours before test, preferably more
  • No deodorant under arms the morning of the test
For the test, they had me sit with a gown on upper body and with bare feet, on a stool in front of the camera. I could see the thermal images on the screen while sitting there. They had me sit for 15 minutes in the room to acclimate. The room was on the cool side. I was not to touch my chest or that area during that 15 minutes.

Once the test started, the gown was dropped down and my hands were above my head to lift the breasts for better visibility. There were three angles - frontal, left and right. Then my hands were submerged in icey water for 1 minute to draw blood away from breasts and into hands. Another three images were taken. In my case, there was no difference in the images.

My right breast where the lump is, showed a large area of dark blue coloring compared to the left. Not sure what that means. There were no "hot spots" of color that I could tell in either breast.

Results come back next week. They send the data off to have it analyzed by thermography experts.

After the scan I sat for 30 minutes in the Infrared Sauna - set to 126 degrees... a very dry heat. Heat is an enemy of cancer cells and it also draws viruses and toxins out and gets rid of them.

After that visit I headed over to Dr Lipton's office for a quick PAPIMI treatment. That is the magentic pulse generator thing. I am getting 12 treatments altogether centered around the right breast for the most part.

After the PAPIMI yesterday I noticed some new sensations in my right breast - not really pain or discomfort.. more of a "twinge". .. but certainly a sensation in that area where there had never been any before. I am thinking this is a sign of some change in the lump - perhaps necrosis of cancer cells and then my body dealing with it?

I plan to next get a full cancer profile from this place
That test will look for some cancer markers and also HcG - read more about what this test can do at this link.

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