Monday, October 09, 2006

Abraham Cherrix update

I'm happy to report that Abraham Cherrix, the teen who fought for the right to be able to use alternative therapy for his cancer, and the right to refuse toxic chemotherapy, is improving and has a good chance of beating this cancer without the conventional toxic treatments. When will mainstream medicine, the American Cancer Society and others like them, wake up to the fact that cancer CAN be cured through boosting immune health and not by destroying it!

Their scam has been discovered and people are not going to the slaughter like sheep as they used to. They are taking their own health care into their own hands because quite simply, our doctors can no longer be trusted to make decisions in our best interests regarding chronic diseases. The doctors have already failed most of us by allowing chronic diseases to progress instead of educating patients on how the diseases come about and how they can be stopped. Instead, they ply us with drugs to cover the symptoms in most cases or in the case of cancer, they burn it, cut it or poison it out. At what cost? Our lives...

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