Thursday, October 12, 2006

More on the down sides of conventional treatments

This story further illustrates how barbaric and wrong using chemotherapy and radiation as a "treatment" for cancer is.

You need RealMedia player (free) to listen to this NPR story:

Childhood Cancer Survivors Suffer in Adulthood

The story talks about childhood cancer survivors who are dealing with multiple health problems resulting FROM THE TREATMENTS they received. They are getting second and third cancers FROM THE TREATMENTS. AND even more shocking is that these patients were not told about their higher risk of subsequent health problems and they were not tracked or advised to monitor their health more closely. This is total medical MIA. So many are getting breast cancer years later and other cancers and because they were not told of their higher risk, they did not get the kind of screening they should have to monitor their health. They were just released from the system - see ya.. good luck..

What I don't hear in this story is that if everyone could JUST understand that the underlying cause of cancer is poor health and nutrition from the low quality of food we are eating combined with the toxic assault from our environment. Instead the medical profession uses MORE toxins and damaging things to "treat" cancer and they CONTINUE to be clueless about how to truly heal chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes.

Please see this article as well on how they continue to use cause and effect only looking at SYMPTOMS as they relate to each other without looking at the UNDERLYING chronic cause.

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