Sunday, October 29, 2006

Byron Richards weighs in on the FDA bullying

Here is a great article on I always love how Mike Adams sees right through the hype of any issue and gets right to the truth. With his help I have become more aware of the media spin perpertrated by the FDA and the Pharmaceutical cartel. The FDA is supposed to be working for us - they get taxpayer money. But instead, they are the federal arm of the Pharmaceutical cartel and it needs to be stopped.. now...

Read the NewsTarget article here for an even more scathing review of their bullying than even my own post on the topic...

Here are some highlights from the article:

The FDA was within their rights to send warning letters. True enough, some of these small companies had stepped over the line. Had they harmed anybody? Most of the nutrients in the products being offered actually have considerable science showing they may help diabetes. What is the FDA really afraid of? People getting better? People learning what options they have to the drug racket of the sickness industry? Maybe the FDA is trying to distract the public, portraying themselves as effective while they continue to this day to allow thousands of Americans to be injured and die in the name of profits for Bayer.

The FDA justified beating up on small American companies in this way: “We will not tolerate practices that raise false hopes and bilk consumers of precious health care dollars,” said Margaret O’K. Glavin, FDA’s Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs. “Diabetes requires effective treatments and aggressive management, not bogus and unproven products.”

And what are these effective treatments? A commonly used FDA-approved diabetes drug, Actos, has been found to increase edema and heart failure and have no benefit to diabetic patients. Another diabetes drug, Metformin, is known to cause B12 deficiency that will certainly increase the risk for neuropathy. Then there is the expensive new diabetes drug, Januvia, expected to have sales of a billion dollars. Once again, the drug only treats symptoms and does not fix the cause of the problem. When doctors put patients on insulin to control type II diabetes the typical outcome is that blood sugar is lowered by stuffing calories into fat, a medical treatment that causes fatigue and further obesity. If we took the FDA statement about “bilking consumers” at face value many common FDA-approved diabetes treatments would need to be shut down. Is it any wonder individuals are desperately looking for help?

The FDA is discriminatory against small nutritional companies. This is because the FDA is avidly seeking to create a New World Order in which all supplement companies are owned or controlled by Big Pharma, and all therapeutic nutritional supplements are removed from the free market.


This last paragraph worries me a great deal as I feel he is 100% on the money. They are trying to browbeat the small companies who provide real health solutions into being controlled by Big Pharma so they can corral all the healthy alternatives through their own profit machine. This is troublesome to me and everyone needs to WAKE UP and see what is going on.

One good thing is, pharmaceutical companies will never be able to control how much good food I eat. However, they CAN alter the food supply with their unnatural chemicals and additives to the point that none of us can escape the toxic effects. And THAT is what I worry about.

Chemical companies - usually owned by or in bed with - pharamaceuticals - are trying to control our lives through chemicals. I have forsaken most chemicals in my foods - those that I can knowingly avoid through reading the labels. Our lives are NOT better through chemistry. Very few things chemistry has added to our lives is beneficial. It is unnatural and there is a price to pay for every one we ingest, whether on purpuse through so-called "medicines" or through food or inadvertently in our environment.

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