Sunday, November 26, 2006

Quackwatch warning - Health Freedom under attack!

This site really spells out the battle going on behind the scenes that many of you may not be aware of. In the waning days of conventional medicine's strangle-hold on the American people, they are resorting to the most devious tactics to silence the people who have found their way to natural health and healing and reject toxic "allopathic" medicine and have been exposing it for the scam that it is.

Please take the time to read the information at this site so you too can be informed and you can start to resist the propaganda war that is being put forth by the conventional medicine groups that wish to keep you hooked on drugs from your doctor and wish to keep you dependent on expensive surgeries and toxic cancer treatments as if they are the only alternative.

Hospitals and surgeons have a place in the medical field but only for critical care for accidents or severe organ failure. 90% of chronic diseases can be prevented and cured through eating whole food, avoiding trans fat, artificial chemicals, processed food and excessive sweets. Doctors do not have the answers for chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, auto-immune diseases etc. They have not been trained in nutrition or prevention. They have only been trained in propping us up with drugs and covering or reducing the symptoms, which many times result in a worsening of health overall.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Breast Cancer Diagnosis Brings Serious Distress

Well hey, I've got an idea for all you breast surgeons and oncologists.. how about you not freaking use SCARE TACTICS to get women to feed into your money making cancer scam which you call treatments?

Read the full article here...

I love how they act so surprised about the effect of their SCARE TACTICS. Well from my experience alone, I can tell you, the way they handled delivering my "diagnosis" was befitting of an academy award. They expected me to cry - but I did not. I got the distinct feeling my situation was urgent and I should schedule surgery right away.

Well here I am now 4 months later, no surgery, no chemo, no radiation. So I am here to tell you in MOST cases, not all, the situation is NOT urgent. In the case of Inflammatory Breast Cancer however, it can be and you should get right on top of it. You can tell if you have that type if you have nipple inversion or pain and redness which indicates inflammation. Any kind of inflammation should be dealt with quickly.

If you are the majority who has the "ductal" type of cancer, it is a slow growing type and has only a 30% chance of becoming invasive. So you have time. But you wouldn't get that from your doctor. No.. They want to rush you right in like you are having a heart attack.

I defintely think July was a difficult month for me because of that diagnosis. I have had the lump since November, 2005. But once I got the "diagnosis" from getting the MRI, suddenly I had to contend with feelings of fear over what to do about it, which were exacerbated by the urgency I got from ALL of my doctors. My internist recommended a full mastectomy as the best course of action.. He is no longer my doctor by the way.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

More evidence of the undue influence of Big Pharma


Drug Company Pulls Funding After Conference Criticism

Adriane Fugh-Berman, an Associate Professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine, recounts her experience of speaking at a recent medical conference in New Mexico on the topic of drug industry influence in medical education. "Immediately after my talk, one pharmaceutical company representative announced to a conference organiser that her company would no longer support the annual conference. Another packed up his exhibit and walked out," she writes in the British Medical Journal. "The drug industry is happy to play the generous and genial uncle until physicians want to discuss subjects that are off limits, such as the benefits of diet or exercise, or the relationship between medicine and pharmaceutical companies." Instead of depending on drug companies funding of professional training, she argues it would be better if doctors "could actually pay for our continuing education, as do lawyers, accountants, business people, and aerobics teachers, to mention a few."

Degrees of Dependency: Drug Companies & Patient Groups

In a survey of 29 U.S. patient groups, New Scientist found only two ruled out drug company funding. Seven of the patient groups surveyed received less than 5% of their income from drug companies, while others were reliant on them for over one-third of their budget. The Colorectal Cancer Coalition receives approximately 81% of its budget from drug companies while a PR consultant for the Neuropathy Association claimed funding sources was "proprietary" information. Joel Lexchin, from York University in Toronto, Canada said "groups should publicise how much money they've gotten from which companies and what it is used for." Even though patient groups dismiss the idea that funding influences their advocacy, Lexchin is unpersuaded: "psychologists talk about the 'gift relationship'. The patient organisations are getting something and feel the need to repay that gift. Whether they are conscious of it or not is really irrelevant."

Antioxidants do not interfere with cancer treatments

FINALLY some scientific evidence to support what I and many other in the alternative health field already knew and that is that taking antixoidants (Vit C, E, Co-Q10 etc) does NOT interfere with cancer treatments and it actually HELPS the patient endure these toxic treatments. Why it can even prevent cancer patients from losing their hair with chemo!

Unbelievably, cancer doctors up until THIS VERY DAY, still believe that taking Vitamin C will interfere with radiation and chemo but in reality, anitxodiants only protect the good cells and the cancer cells do not have the ability to store antioxidants. This is the SAME mechanism that allows Artemisinin to work on cancer cells through oxidation without hurting normal cells because they can store antioxidants.

"Cancer patients will be the first to tell you (traditional treatments are) not enough," he said. "The integrated, whole person approach to cancer is highly valued, so much so that cancer patients and their caregivers are seeking out complementary or alternative therapies on their own."

This is because the mainstream medical profession has DISMALLY failed cancer patients by ignoring the benefits of nutrition and boosting the immune system in a cancer patient and in ANY patient with a chronic disease.

"For years, oncologists have caused great harm to cancer patients by insisting that they take no antioxidants whatsoever during chemotherapy or radiation treatments," said Mike Adams, a consumer health advocate and holistic nutritionist. "This misguided advice has caused immeasurable harm among cancer patients, and is one reason why conventional medicine's cancer treatments ultimately kill so many people.

If you don't like eating vegetables and fruit, then the best thing you can do is to get a good whole food supplement that is a desiccated version of the whole vegetables and fruits.. like Juice Plus. There are several on the market - just beware of ones who don't really contain whole foods only. The ideal nutrition comes from natural foods in their raw state - vegetables, fruits, seeds, whole grains.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thermography Results

Wanted to get this information up here for a week now.. and it seems to be good news but I won't be truly happy about it till I get more tests that align with this report. I wish I had been able to get a thermography scan back in July or August so that I could really compare then and now.

I have a lot of faith in thermography as an adjunctive test or perhaps an early warning screening kind of test. However, I wonder about what my results really mean and what it tells me. I now have two tests that come up normal.. The AMAS blood test and this thermography test.. yet the MRI's show a mass is still there (which I already know because it is palpable). And the October PEM Flex test showed metabolic cancer activity - cells took up sugar.

So the question is - does the thermography test show that there is no apparent cancer activity now and has it always been that way or is this recent? I really wish there was one test that could really prove or disprove the presence of a cancerous tumor and its stage. I think my next step will be to get the Cancer Profile test from the lab in Florida that tests for HcG.

Here are the thermography results in the language of ThermoMedLab who reviewed the images:

Left breast (no lumps etc): is considered within normal limits regarding thermal emission. Numerical values of 30-74 statistically, are most frequently associated with benign disorders such as cystic and fibrocystic breasts. TH score = 55

Right breast(palpable lump): is considered within normal limits regarding thermal emission. Numerical values of 30-74 statistically, are most frequently associated with benign disorders such as cystic and fibrocystic breasts. TH score = 30

So yes folks, the breast WITH the lump is cooler than the one without the lump!

The TH Ranges are as follows:

0-29 Normal

30-74 Normal with possible benign cystic characteristics

75-119 Considered at risk, possibly benign cystic

120-149 Abnormal, moderate risk.

> 150 Severely abnormal, significant risk.

Medical science may finally be getting it

They *still* have it sort of backwards but it is a step in the right direction. I think their approach, since it deals with unnatural means, may lead to side effects like arthritis and other auto-immune disorders because they are *suppressing* the T-reg cells which *control* the immune system. An uncontrolled immune system could very likely start to attack "self" and that is how arthritis and other auto-immune diseases come about.

Still, it's a step in the right direction because medical science admits that the immune system itself is already a pretty good weapon against cancer if it is allowed to work. What is missing is the simple approach of supporting the immune system with super nutrition, avoidance of toxic burden (artificial chemicals, hydrogenated oils, processed foods and chemo/radiation) and common sense healthful lifestyle like getting exercise, reducing stress, positive attitude. All of these help the immune system do it's job. No need to suppress the T-regulator cells with that approach, that I feel is going to lead to side effects down the road.

Article can be found here

What I think is extra ironic is... all the people in the alternative health field have known this for decades and yet they got attacked as QUACKS by the mainstream medical field. Now medical researchers are studying that very same thing and acting like it's their discovery. What a bunch of CRAP.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Warning for all bloggers

Just now I received a comment from "anonymous" that contained a link to a malicious site called Do not visit this site because it is probably malicious.

I moderate all my comments and that one was rejected and I never visited the site because I did some research before I went there. It had all the indications of a lazy ass scumbag hacker because the comment was very brief and just wanted to direct people to a link.

I warn all bloggers to moderate their comments so they can verify them because had this comment been posted, my blog may have assisted this scumbag in infecting my blog visitors with whatever malicious program they intended to distribute.

If you are the scumbag hacker who left this comment, I have reported you to your Registrar, and I track visits so not only do I have you latitude/longitude but I have your IP address of the computer where you visited from. knows that your registrant information is also false so I expect that they will be shutting your domain down.

I like to do my part to eliminate scumbags from perpertrating exploits.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Mercury laced vaccines will be given again to children

So as a parent in California, you now get to choose Autism or Flu for your kid.

From this article on NewsTarget:

(NewsTarget) California health officials announced today that children younger than 3 will be temporarily allowed to receive flu shots containing a mercury-laced preservative called thimerosal, after physicians statewide said mercury-free vaccines were running short.

Earlier this year, California passed a state law banning vaccines containing thimerosal from being injected in pregnant women and children under 3 years old, but reports of flu shot shortages have temporarily overruled the law.

The exemption applies only to children under 3, and will last six weeks to give the pediatric vaccine maker -- Pennsylvania-based Sanofi Pasteur -- enough time to ship an additional half million doses.

"We feel it is important to offer this short-term alternative to parents and health care providers in order to ensure young children are protected from the potentially severe effects of the flu," said Kim Belshe, secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency, in a statement.

Dr. Randy Bergen, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Kaiser Permanente, said young children and the elderly are most vulnerable to seriously complications from influenza, and children under 3 who are getting their first flu shots will actually need two doses to receive full benefits.

The mercury preservative thimerosal -- which is roughly 50 percent mercury by weight -- has been used in U.S. vaccines since the 1930s to help prevent fungal and bacterial contamination. However, in the 1990s parents and physicians brought awareness to thimerosal's possible link to rising child autism rates.

Last year, anti-thimerosal lobbying groups successfully banned vaccines containing the preservative from being given to young children and pregnant women. However, the law can be waived if mercury-free vaccines are in short supply.

Four California medical groups -- the California branch of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the California Medical Association, the California Academy of Family Physicians and Kaiser Permanente -- recently asked the state to temporarily waive the law after some clinics reported running short of the mercury-free kids' vaccine.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Milk Thistle protects your Liver and helps with Diabetes

I am posting this information because protecting your liver is one of the best things you can do because your liver is the second largest detoxification organ in your body. The number one organ is your skin. Yes your skin is an organ. Protecting your liver will help you be healthy and help reverse a lot of different kinds of health problems.

The main focus of the research in these articles is on Milk Thistle and its ability to help regulate blood sugar for Diabetes.

Here is the NewsTarget article...

And here are some more links on this:

And this article talks about the application of Milk Thistle (Silymarin) with Diabetes as well as this section on applications with cancer:

Finally, researchers from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, reported that silymarin slowed the growth of human cancer cells. In a cell-culture study, Rajesh Agarwal, PhD, and his collaborators determined that silymarin inhibited epidermal growth factor cell receptors, a type of tyrosine kinase receptor that promotes tumor growth.

"Silymarin treatment also resulted in a highly significant inhibition of cell growth and proliferation," Agarwal wrote in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology (1997;108:547, #60). "Treatment of cells with other antioxidant-like green tea polyphenols, EGCG [epigallocatechin gallate], quercetin, curcumin and genistein, also resulted in similar inhibitory effects albeit at different levels."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Birth Control Pills linked to Pre-Menopausal Breast Cancer

I have seen this link before and I can tell you that yes, I took birth control pills in my 20's and early 30's. I can't tell you for how long I took them but it was in the order of years. It might have been 3 or 4 maybe and I think there were a couple of 3-4 year periods when I tried a different type. All of them made me gain weight. One made my skin go blotchy in the sun.. a weird uneven tan pattern that was not very attractive. So ultimately I stopped taking them. But perhaps I am yet another statistic pointing to the definite risks of taking birth control pills.

Here is the article.

I can also tell you that even though I kept questioning my doctors about the weight gain, they consistently denied it caused weight gain. I disagree totally because before taking them, I never had a problem with weight gain and I gained something like 20-30 pounds after taking birth control pills that I am just starting to finally lose being on this all-natural detox diet.

The last time I took a birth control pill was at least 15-20 years ago. And now I am paying a price apparently. So if you are currently taking them, be warned of this new evidence of increased incidence of "pre-menopausal" breast cancer. I am a virtual living statistic....

Please preserve the Internet!

If you value the ability to look up tons of information on just about any topic and get independent veiws as well as mainstream views, you will need to sit up and take notice of something sinister that is about to happen to our last freedom, the Internet.

Please read this article to find out more.

If the bill HR 5252 gets passed, this blog may not reach as many people as it is now and people will be cut off from valuable FREE and INDEPENDENT information.

See this link as well that is a FAQ on the topic.

And this article is even more direct in it's characterization of what could happen if this goes through. Through the same site, you can sign a petition and send email to your representatives letting them know how you feel. We need to speak up now before it's too late.

See this link for the groundswell to preserve Net Neutrality as it is today on the Internet.

Some excerpts from other sources of note:


Congress is now considering a major overhaul of the nation's telecommunications laws (H.R. 5252) that fails to protect Net Neutrality. Senator Wyden has placed a hold on this legislation until clear language is included in the bill to protect Net Neutrality. He is also a co-sponsor of a bipartisan Net Neutrality measure offered this spring by Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.).

"The key to the Internet's growth and success has been its inherent openness and freedom," said Alan Davidson of Google. "Senator Wyden has been among the strongest voices fighting to protect the freedom of Internet users. We applaud his efforts to preserve Network Neutrality and to make sure any Internet content can be accessed free of restrictions."

Net Neutrality is supported by a diverse, growing coalition of big and small businesses, unions, educators, thousands of bloggers and every major consumer group in the country. More than 750 organizations from across the political spectrum have come together as the Coalition, including Free Press, U.S. PIRG, the Christian Coalition, MoveOn, Consumers Union, Gun Owners of America, ACLU and the American Library Association. has collected more than 1.2 million petition signatures nationwide.

For all you Pennsylvania voters reading this, Senator Rick Santorum voted to TABLE the Dorgan amendment referred to above so he is not someone who is a stauch supporter of INTERNET FREEDOM AND NEUTRALITY so consider that on November 7th.