Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Antioxidants do not interfere with cancer treatments

FINALLY some scientific evidence to support what I and many other in the alternative health field already knew and that is that taking antixoidants (Vit C, E, Co-Q10 etc) does NOT interfere with cancer treatments and it actually HELPS the patient endure these toxic treatments. Why it can even prevent cancer patients from losing their hair with chemo!

Unbelievably, cancer doctors up until THIS VERY DAY, still believe that taking Vitamin C will interfere with radiation and chemo but in reality, anitxodiants only protect the good cells and the cancer cells do not have the ability to store antioxidants. This is the SAME mechanism that allows Artemisinin to work on cancer cells through oxidation without hurting normal cells because they can store antioxidants.


"Cancer patients will be the first to tell you (traditional treatments are) not enough," he said. "The integrated, whole person approach to cancer is highly valued, so much so that cancer patients and their caregivers are seeking out complementary or alternative therapies on their own."

This is because the mainstream medical profession has DISMALLY failed cancer patients by ignoring the benefits of nutrition and boosting the immune system in a cancer patient and in ANY patient with a chronic disease.

"For years, oncologists have caused great harm to cancer patients by insisting that they take no antioxidants whatsoever during chemotherapy or radiation treatments," said Mike Adams, a consumer health advocate and holistic nutritionist. "This misguided advice has caused immeasurable harm among cancer patients, and is one reason why conventional medicine's cancer treatments ultimately kill so many people.

If you don't like eating vegetables and fruit, then the best thing you can do is to get a good whole food supplement that is a desiccated version of the whole vegetables and fruits.. like Juice Plus. There are several on the market - just beware of ones who don't really contain whole foods only. The ideal nutrition comes from natural foods in their raw state - vegetables, fruits, seeds, whole grains.

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