Thursday, November 09, 2006

Medical science may finally be getting it

They *still* have it sort of backwards but it is a step in the right direction. I think their approach, since it deals with unnatural means, may lead to side effects like arthritis and other auto-immune disorders because they are *suppressing* the T-reg cells which *control* the immune system. An uncontrolled immune system could very likely start to attack "self" and that is how arthritis and other auto-immune diseases come about.

Still, it's a step in the right direction because medical science admits that the immune system itself is already a pretty good weapon against cancer if it is allowed to work. What is missing is the simple approach of supporting the immune system with super nutrition, avoidance of toxic burden (artificial chemicals, hydrogenated oils, processed foods and chemo/radiation) and common sense healthful lifestyle like getting exercise, reducing stress, positive attitude. All of these help the immune system do it's job. No need to suppress the T-regulator cells with that approach, that I feel is going to lead to side effects down the road.

Article can be found here

What I think is extra ironic is... all the people in the alternative health field have known this for decades and yet they got attacked as QUACKS by the mainstream medical field. Now medical researchers are studying that very same thing and acting like it's their discovery. What a bunch of CRAP.

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