Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Please preserve the Internet!

If you value the ability to look up tons of information on just about any topic and get independent veiws as well as mainstream views, you will need to sit up and take notice of something sinister that is about to happen to our last freedom, the Internet.

Please read this article to find out more.

If the bill HR 5252 gets passed, this blog may not reach as many people as it is now and people will be cut off from valuable FREE and INDEPENDENT information.

See this link as well that is a FAQ on the topic.

And this article is even more direct in it's characterization of what could happen if this goes through. Through the same site, you can sign a petition and send email to your representatives letting them know how you feel. We need to speak up now before it's too late.

See this link for the groundswell to preserve Net Neutrality as it is today on the Internet.

Some excerpts from other sources of note:


Congress is now considering a major overhaul of the nation's telecommunications laws (H.R. 5252) that fails to protect Net Neutrality. Senator Wyden has placed a hold on this legislation until clear language is included in the bill to protect Net Neutrality. He is also a co-sponsor of a bipartisan Net Neutrality measure offered this spring by Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.).

"The key to the Internet's growth and success has been its inherent openness and freedom," said Alan Davidson of Google. "Senator Wyden has been among the strongest voices fighting to protect the freedom of Internet users. We applaud his efforts to preserve Network Neutrality and to make sure any Internet content can be accessed free of restrictions."

Net Neutrality is supported by a diverse, growing coalition of big and small businesses, unions, educators, thousands of bloggers and every major consumer group in the country. More than 750 organizations from across the political spectrum have come together as the Coalition, including Free Press, U.S. PIRG, the Christian Coalition, MoveOn, Consumers Union, Gun Owners of America, ACLU and the American Library Association. has collected more than 1.2 million petition signatures nationwide.

For all you Pennsylvania voters reading this, Senator Rick Santorum voted to TABLE the Dorgan amendment referred to above so he is not someone who is a stauch supporter of INTERNET FREEDOM AND NEUTRALITY so consider that on November 7th.

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