Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Cancer Machine loves celebrity endorsements

Every time I see another celebrity with breast cancer being paraded in the media it gets me angrier. This just serves the interests of the Cancer Machine - that being the big Pharmaceutical companies for the most part, who stand to benefit the most from current cancer "treatments". Another industry heavily in favor of spreading fear about breast cancer to generate more potential patients is the Radiology industry. Close behind them is the Surgeons. I would call this the Cancer Profit Triad really.

Here is a story that shows what I mean and I quote:

Dr Lesley Walker of Cancer Research UK said: "The survey illustrates another aspect of what has come to be known as 'the Kylie effect'.

"Celebrities with breast cancer like Kylie Minogue and Caron Keating have attracted a lot of publicity - especially in magazines aimed at younger women.

"This is very beneficial in that it raises awareness of breast cancer.


Translation - it is very beneficial for those who stand to profit from getting more cancer customers.

It is NOT beneficial in the spreading of FEAR and the chance that many women, out of the FEAR will get screened, they will find a lump, they will not be sure if it is cancer and they will subject that woman to UNECESSARY surgery and radiation.

What I really am pissed about is - they really can't be 100% sure a lump is cancer until they remove it. Even if they see "neoplastic" activity it is not an indication that something must be done about it. So, lots of women end up getting "treatment" they NEVER NEEDED and certainly had they just made positive changes to their diets in response to the fear instead of following the tortured path of conventional medicine, they would all be WAY better off.

I think it is safe to say that a large proportion of women who get "cancer treatment" are worse off than had they NEVER gotten treatment. Now, down the road, if they don't make drastic changes to their diet and lifestyle, it could become a problem. Herein lies the dilemma. The current practice of interfering at an early stage with invasive procedures almost ensures damage to the health of the patient. If the early detection patients would SIMPLY follow standard cancer diets which should include cutting out sugar, processed foods and animal fats and also adding Laetrile to the daily intake, we would see a lot less women losing their hair, suffering from the long term effects of chemo and radiation. When will this madness end? How can we educate the women of the world to choose HEALTH over INJURY when it comes to cancer?

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