Saturday, August 26, 2006

My Breast Cancer Story

I have created this blog to chronicle my arduous journey through the path to healing this breast cancer. I have done many hours of research and feel that my own personal journey may help others who are faced with similar health issues.

All information I provide here is a result of my own research and in no way is intended as medical advice. I am simply providing the results of my own conclusions and with the information I hope to provide, perhaps your own research can be made easier.

My Philosophy on Cancer Treatment

My approach to reversing cancer is embodied by the basic tenets of the Hippocratic Oath and that is no longer how modern medicine practices. This quote from the translated version of the Hippocratic Oath shows how far off the path modern medicine has gone "To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug". Sadly, I believe that most doctors are brainwashed today into prescribing deadly drugs because the big pharmaceutical companies have complete control over the AMA. The pharmaceutical companies have positioned themselves as THE solution to all of our medical problems and doctors are unable to vary from the doctrine that is mandated by the AMA or risk losing their license to practice.

I believe that a large number of people who receive conventional cancer treatments are walking the very edge of risk. Some people can take the barbaric wasting of their immune systems and recover and those are the patients that are trumpeted in studies as "successfully cured" of cancer. The ones who perish from the treatment are swept under the rug and usually the cancer itself is blamed for their demise. I don't believe this for a second.

What is missing from conventional cancer treatments is the understanding of the conditions which caused it. Modern medicine takes a napalm approach to "curing" cancer and to quote from Patrick Quillin, author of "Beating Cancer with Nutrtion" they take the approach of throwing a stick of dynamite in the garage to get rid of some mice. You get rid of the mice but you also lose your garage.

I believe there are times when drastic measures may be needed.. if you have ignored your health and the signs of problems for so long that the cancer is way ahead of your immune system. In all cases however, the immune system needs to be supported and improved to turn the tide against cancer and ESPECIALLY if you tear it down with chemicals and radiation.

Sadly this is lacking in today's conventional cancer treatments. They seem to be willing to ignore the body's innate ability to heal and instead want us to turn our bodies over to science to "cure" our ills.

And so, my approach to my own situation will involve FIRST boosting the immune system, monitoring the lump with non-invasive tests such as PET scans and Ultrasound, monitoring my system with cutting edge blood tests like the AMAS blood test (which no doctors seem to be aware of sadly) and only if it seems my immune system is not able to reverse it will I seek out the conventional medical treatments which must be very restrained - meaning they cause as little harm to my body in the process.

My first choice in conventional treatment will be to debulk the tumor if necessary with lumpectomy. I would not automatically choose to irradiate the surgical area because I believe the remaining cancer cells (which there ALWAYS are by they way- they can never say they got it all) can be handled by my boosted immune system.

The only way I would ever choose any radiation or chemo would be if they were able to deliver those toxic agents *only* to the cancer cells. Science is getting closer all the time to achieving this and to me it seems rather simple. Cancer cells suck up sugar so greedily that they use sugar to detect cancer in a PET scan. So, why don't we bind the toxic chemicals and radiation to sugar??

So now that you know my philosophy on cancer treatment, you will understand some of my choices as my story unfolds.

Let me just say this one more thing when it comes to medical doctors. I have learned that if you ask a surgeon if you should have surgery, they will probably say yes because that is what they do and that is all they know. So if you are faced with a health issue, don't rely on a single doctor for advice because they will advise you in the context of what they do. And the best thing you can do for YOU is to ask questions of everyone and gain as much knowledge about your health problem as you can because ultimately you are the only one who has a vested interest in a positive outcome.

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