So let me get this straight. In the United States today, if you don't submit to the harmful drugs and surgery of conventional medicine, you will be:
- Condemned as a criminal.
- Have your child stolen from you.
- Be hunted down by armed cops if you try to rescue your child.
- Receive a bill from the hospital for medical services you refused to authorize.
- Be sued by collections organizations and have your credit ruined if you refuse to pay the bill.
And the irony in all of this? If the woman had been uninsured, I believe the hospital would have thrown the baby out on the street. No insurance = case closed. Uninsured people who desperately need (and want) treatment are denied treatment every day by conventional medical hospitals and clinics. So why is supposedly saving the life of this one infant suddenly so important when saving the lives of all those other uninsured people isn't?
The answer is obvious: The woman has health insurance. And that baby is the hospital's lifeline to big payouts. Call me cynical, but I actually understand what modern medicine is all about: Profit. It's not about health, it's about Ka-Ching!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's the doctor's who think they are God who are causing these problems. They think we are a bunch of idiots who don't know any better and only THEY know what is best for us and it is THEIR surgery or THEIR drugs. We have come a LONG way from the Hippocratic oath when you consider one of the basics of that oath is "First Do No Harm". And just to clarify - it is very harmful to threaten parents to take their kids from them. It is very harmful to give toxic drugs to patients. It is very harmful to dose them with radiation when everyone knows radiation can cause cancer. The ends do NOT justify the means, especially when the ends are from skewed statistics that favor what they want us to think.
For example, they always site the recurrence rate for cancers after treatment. If you get a NEW cancer from the TREATMENT, that doesn't count as a "recurrence". What a bunch of BULLSHIT. So when your doctor cites the "success rate" of conventional cancer treatments, consider how they are coming up with the statistics they are quoting. They are SERIOUSLY flawed. Talk to your friends and relatives who have had cancer treatment and after their fourth bout with cancer, ask them about their "treatment" and see what they think - that is if they are still around to ask.
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