Monday, September 18, 2006

What is Hydrazine Sulfate and why does conventional medicine attack it?

This is a very interesting read at this link from the creator and researcher on Hydrazine Sulfate, Dr Joseph Gold, M.D., with full documentation of the resistance to accept what it can do for cancer patients.

Joseph Gold, M.D., is director of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute and the developer of hydrazine sulfate as an anticancer drug.

Here is an excerpt:

The purpose of this statement is to guide you, step by step, through the scientific development of hydrazine sulfate as an anticancer agent, the clinical trials—and the high-level negative politics which came to surround this drug from the very beginning. It will be plainly seen that the cautions against this drug presented on the Internet by our highest federal health agencies are but an assemblage of misinformation and disinformation which acts to discourage this drug's use both by individual patients as well as by well-meaning physicians.

Scientific Background. Hydrazine sulfate (HS), an inexpensive, mass-produced chemical compound used for many industrial applications, was first proposed as an anticachexia agent based on its inhibition of the gluconeogenic enzyme, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEP CK).1,2 It was further proposed that if tumor energy (ATP) gain and host energy loss (resulting from cancer-induced excessive gluconeogenesis) were functionally interrelated—as seemed probable—HS could also, by indirect and non-toxic means, inhibit tumor growth itself.3 Early in-vivo studies demonstrated that HS could inhibit weight loss (cachexia) and tumor growth in a variety of transplanted mouse and rat models, without direct cytotoxicity,2-6 could add to the antitumor effects of chemotherapy drugs,7-9 and was free of significant side effects.10 These results strongly suggested HS as a new means of non-toxic cancer chemotherapy.11,12

Academe Joins In . What could not be done to eliminate HS by official intimidation, by rigged clinical trials, by GAO complicity with the NCI, by one-sided PCAC (FDA) action, our cancer leadership sought to accomplish by enlisting what can only be termed the academic whoredom of one of this nation's premiere medical journals.

To understand the moral turpitude of the Annals' action, it is necessary to know that—in contrast to the single, reported, presumptive case of fatal HS toxicity (in the drug's 30 years of use)—there are tens of thousands of authenticated chemotherapy fatalities, deaths from chemotherapy drugs, in this country each year . Has the Annals, or other medical journals, or our federal health agencies, or the prominent private-sector cancer agencies ever let the public know this?

Given the extreme inexpense of HS, oncologists are not going to make “the majority of their practice revenue,” buying HS at such low prices and reselling it to patients, insurers and government programs, no matter how high the mark-ups. HS thus represents a formidable economic challenge to oncologists, for cancer doctors and those who administrate and direct our cancer programs are well aware that this drug's routine use may significantly reduce not only oncology funding and practice income but may also threaten the fiscal machinery of cancer centers, cancer hospitals, cancer treatment, cancer care, cancer research, cancer administration and cancer pharmaceuticals.

The Toll. More than 1.2 million new cases of cancer are reported in the U.S. each year; more than 600,000 Americans die from this disease annually. The Petrov (Russian) data, corroborated by the Harbor-UCLA data,32,78 indicate that of every million late stage cancer patients treated with HS, more than half a million would receive measurable symptomatic improvement, 400,000 would have their tumors cease growing or regress, and some would go on to long term survival.

If these data are correct—as seems likely—the human toll, in terms of needless suffering and/or premature death, because of a lack of access to HS therapy, has been 5 million persons in the last 10 years in the U.S. alone, many more worldwide.


In layman's terms, Hydrazine Sulfate essentially blocks sugar from getting taken up by the cancer cells, which in the case of advanced cancer can steal glucose from your good cells, resulting in drastic weight loss (cachexia). Once again we see the politics of the large "institutions" such as the American Cancer Society and The National Cancer Institute, refusing to promote this compound or even resorting to attacking it! Are you tired of this con job we are getting from these organizations? I am...

More info on Hydrazine Sulfate from Dr. Joseph Gold

A Canadian web site with very detailed information on Hydrazine Sulfate

Looking at the list of foods to avoid while taking this makes me realize it really is more for people who are suffering from cancer that is ravaging their body - to reverse the wasting of muscles etc. I am not anywhere close to that so for now, this information will be stored away.

Oh and I found this site from the UK which is an interesting total opposite view of Hydrazine Sulfate...

You have to wonder who got it listed as "toxic" and "carcinogenic" on this site.. hmmmm

I am finding all those articles Dr Gold mentions are attacking Hydrazine Sulfate and it amazes me that they continue to cite a SINGLE case of a patient *supposedly* taking HS and suffering frm fatal kidney failure YET EVERY DAY patients are dying from conventional chemotherapy drugs. What a con job!!!

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